33| Let Fate Decide

Start from the beginning

It was an easy-going, calm and quiet evening, full of peace and harmony and without any fighting. Everyone was enjoying it, even the part where they had to go to bed. 

Sean was with Leo that night, reading him the new book he bought because today was the day. 

"Do you remember the little Rabbit Freddy? You read a lot of stories about him with Joyce, the doctor.", Sean asked. Freddy the rabbit was actually a fictional character developed for children to cope with the topic of the death of a parent. There were several books that explained grief, a funeral, the life without that certain parent and so it appeared to have also a book that explained that mommy or daddy could fall in love again. Sean was very pleased that they created those stories and since his kids were familiar with Freddy the rabbit, Leo was more than excited to have a new part of it for his bookshelf which already held 10 parts of Freddy. 

"Of course, I remember! I love him!", Leo exclaimed out of joy. "He was sad for a while because his mommy went to heaven like my mom did.", the little boy explained. 

"Yeah, that's right. It was sad, but he still managed to live a happy life with his father in the end.", Sean grinned. 

"Yes, he did. What is this book called, Daddy?", he questioned and pointed at the book title. He wanted to learn so badly how to read because it annoyed him to depend on others in terms of reading. 

"This one's called: My daddy's girlfriend.", he chuckled and Leo laughed slightly about it. 

"That's a funny title. Can we read it?", he asked and Sean nodded, laying himself down in Leo's bed to let him cuddle into his arms. 

"Alright…", Sean said, taking a deep breath before starting to read. Leo was listening carefully to the journey little Freddy had to go. The little rabbit started out being completely happy with his daddy but one day they met up with a new rabbit his dad had fallen in love with. Freddy didn't know at first but when the female was showing up more and more he developed the fear that his daddy would forget about him and his mom. When he told him that the female rabbit was going to move in with them, Freddy and his dad had a soft conversation that taught him that his father could love everyone at once and that he would never forget about his former wife. Freddy felt safe after talking to him and after a while, he was even certain that he had found a new mom. 

"The end.", Sean said smilingly. The story really was great and totally child appropriately written. 

"They had a whole family in the end, Papa.", Leo grinned. "I like this book very much… because daddy rabbit had a soulmate again and Freddy had a new mom.", the little one summed up and looked lovingly through the pictures of the blood again. 

"Who do you love, daddy? Do you love ME?? And...Flynn?", Leo laughed slightly, pointing at himself with a wide grin. 

"Yeah. I do indeed. I love a lot of people. I love you, Amélie and Flynn because you're my three little rays of sunshine. I love your grandma and grandpa because they are my family too… and all your aunts and uncles. And I love my friends… like Rebecca or Jason… or--", he wanted to continue but Leo cut in. 

"-or Lana? Is Lana a friend or is Lana an auntie?", he questioned, interested in the answer but before Sean even responded Leo looked at his book and  pointed at a picture of Freddy's dad and his new girlfriend Sarah, who hugged. 

"Or do you love Lana like Mr. Rabbit loves Sarah?" 

Sean froze immediately, trying to think through his next words. It amazed him how much his kids responded to those books. Since they used them during therapy they knew exactly that Freddy is connected to their own lives since he is going through times that they had to go through too. But he wasn't quite sure if Leo could relate to this one as well, since Lana was known as their 'auntie' from the day they entered this world. 

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