Chapter Thirty-Six: Family Pt. II

Start from the beginning

Out of the corner of his eye, Kate's face flushed red as no matter how many times he would flirt with her, he always somehow managed to achieve the same reaction - a reaction he would never get sick of. Alice perched on his shoulder with its two front paws and looked down at the pancake being prepared. 

"No, you can't have this. This is daddy's." (Y/n) told the rabbit when his phone rang. "Hello, who's calling? Huh? No. Got nothing going in later. Well, I'm just having breakfast. Did you seriously ring me up just to tell me that? Alright, fine. Send Karen my love. Bye, mate. That was just Esteban, wondering if we'd like to catch up with him and Max tonight for her farewell before she goes to New York tomorrow."

Kate looked at him in surprise as she was previously unaware that there was a farewell party being held for their best friend.

"Can we come to the party?" Lynn sang out in excitement.

"This is an adults type of party, isn't it, (Y/n)? One where children aren't allowed to 'tag along'. I entrust that you have Kate's safety at heart - after what happened previously at Blackwell regarding Kate's... video." Linda responded, belittling her daughters.

It surprised everyone that Linda still held resentment towards her daughter for her involvement in the Vortex Club party. (Y/n) and Kate glanced at each other, subtly shrugging their shoulders when (Y/n) drew his attention back to minding the pancake he was cooking. (Y/n) put his phone on Do Not Disturb by the time his pancake was done and Lynn and Tilly were done with theirs. 

The two girls fed their dishes into the sink and retreated to the living room to watch the morning news. As the television broadcasted people's voices from the daily news segments, (Y/n) took his plate and joined Kate and her parents at the dinner table. After pouring an even amount of maple syrup, (Y/n) dug into his food, immediately moaning from the euphoric taste in his mouth which made Kate raise an eyebrow.

"You seem to be liking yours a lot." Kate commented.

"Well, of course I do. I'm the one that made it. If I didn't, wouldn't I be gagging right now, repulsed by my impotence in cooking a stereotypical breakfast meal? I hardly think that you alone would suffice in cooking when I have the capacity of pulling off a wonderous meal myself. I mean, I'm no Gordon Ramsay, but at least I can cook." (Y/n) replied cheekily. 

Kate rolled her eyes and fed a cut of pancake into her mouth. When the entertainment report came up on the news channel, (Y/n) subconsciously perked up and drew his attention onto the tv screen as the news anchor in charge of the entertainment segment was in the spotlight.

"Not a lot going on today but our top three stories include rumours of a second season to Peaky Blinders is already in the drafts, possibly set to be released late this year, early 2015. And popular 1960's band, Fleetwood Mac's Mick Fleetwood and Christine McVie rejoined the band and - 'Will be staying for sure'." The news presenter spoke lively until their expression turned morbid. 

(Y/n)'s brows knitted together as he watched a popular image of his parents was displayed on screen, allegedly claiming of their sudden deaths.

"Tragic news this morning: fifty-three year-old and forty-eight year-old Victor and Victoria Donohue had perished in a helicopter crash in Nylon Peak, Wyoming. It's believed the incident occurred at approximately five minutes after six. Authorities claim their helicopter rear rotor malfunctioned before plummeting four-hundred feet. We are yet to receive feedback from their son, (Y/n). Our thoughts and prayers are with him. Back to you, Ron."

"Yes. Very tragic, that. Your heart really goes out to their son. He's going to be so devastated when he hears this."

The revelation caused (Y/n)'s heart to drop in his chest. His utensils slipped out of his hand, clattering on the plate as those around him stared at him with sadness in their eyes. Kate covered her mouth to repress her own sobs while (Y/n) cried in silence. His eyes became watery as his throat went dry, too strained for him to make a sound. 

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?" Kate called weakly as she physically reached out to him and touched his arm. 

Like a kitten hypnotised by a ball of yarn, (Y/n) didn't take his eyes off his focus of attention. (Y/n) was completely shattered emotionally that he was lucky to be sitting down where he was, elsewise he would have lost all strength in his legs and fallen onto his knees. By getting her chair as closely to (Y/n)'s, Kate pulled him against her and cradled him in her arms as he broke down and cried into her chest. 

Kate's family kept their eyes on her and (Y/n) when she whispered to him, ushering them to her room. He obliged and walked quickly with Kate upstairs to her room where they could have more privacy. Seeing that their breakfast was still set out, John collected it and put it in a spot in the kitchen where it would be out of the way and ready to be heated up for later. The two sisters in the living room also headed upstairs to take their mind off things. 

Inside Kate's room, the dirty-blonde woman shushed her fiancé and brushed her hand across his head, her fingers getting caught and tangled in his long brown locks whilst he drenched her shirt with his tears and saliva, something she couldn't care less about as all she wanted to do was be there for (Y/n). 

"Why...?" (Y/n) quavered with a low, croaky voice. "Why did they have to leave me? I hate it. I hate it so much. I miss them so much. They left too soon!" 

Kate frowned and gave the softest kiss on the top of his head. "I know, sweetie. You just have to be strong - for them and for me. Please... please just... I-I truly don't know what to say, (Y/n/n). I am so, so sorry about what happened. But honey, that's just how life goes." 

(Y/n) jolted up and connected his eyes with hers. "You won't leave me, right? Y-You'd never j-just abandon me, Kate?" 

"No. Of course not. I love you way too much to even think of leaving you. You mean the world to me; you mean everything to me. You have always been there for me and I will always be there for you. I promise you that. Lie down, sweetie. Lie down with me and just calm down." 

(Y/n) nodded his head very slightly and rested his head back on her chest, but not on the wet patch. So he laid his head down where his face was nuzzled into her neck. The young couple remained like this for another twenty minutes or so until Kate found that he had fallen asleep. She took the opportunity to change shirts and rest with Alice and (Y/n) on her bed. 

The rabbit didn't mind at all what was happening as she simply enjoyed being touched and caressed. Judging where he laid, Kate made a last-minute decision to grab a blanket with her on her way to her bed and laid back down with her fiancé and her rabbit snuggled underneath what was one of Kate's favourite childhood blankets. That morning's activities were delayed for later that afternoon as John and Linda were so kind to give (Y/n) time to adjust. 

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