Chapter 9: LateShake

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Sunday was... interesting. After heading home, I snuck back into my house. The TV light was on, which scared me, but Dad was passed out in front of it and neither of my parents noticed me leaving. I remember I had almost stayed up all night, checking my phone, wanting to say something to Pluto, but getting too scared. She was prolly getting a beating from Roger and me texting wasn't going to help.

No wait, not a beating. I can't joke about that anymore. Gosh, I felt so so sooo bad for her.

But anyway, around probably 3:30, 4-ish, my phone lit up and I scrambled to answer it. And it was Pluto.

Hey :)

I smiled.


Finally got away from Roger...

Oh right
What happened? Whatd he say?

Just that dum brother talk about how i should be smart n responsible n watch how fast its going' er whatever

Oh. Did he think we were...?

God no!!!!

Oh ok whew!

He was just being a protective brother n stuff
He also said he was happy for me tho :3

Im happy too <3

And my face warmed, and my heart was being all giddy and stuff. Again, it was probably our brains being deprived from sleep, but we had a lot of cheesy conversations the rest of the night.

Then I noticed the sun was coming up, and we talked about that. And obviously, me wanting to see her again, asked if she could hang out. But she couldn't: since her uncle was coming back Roger and her were planning on doing something with him. Apparently he was trying for a job in that other town, so I guess things were looking up for Pluto. Good thing, she deserved it.

But don't worry, if he got the job (and she explained this to me) she would stay in Woodtier with Roger.

Pluto and I still texted all day, when suddenly she cut out and stopped responding. Then about 5 minutes later I got a text from Roger.

Stop flirting with my sister.

So I got embarrassed and stayed off my phone for a while. It was in desperate need of a charge anyway.

For the rest of Sunday I did random things: cleaned up the house, did homework, took a walk. The whole time I was replaying the previous night in my head.

Eventually I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I walked to Bull's house. I knocked, it took 5 minutes for him to respond, Duke had to wake him up, then he answered. Wearing nothing but sweats, he answered the door. His hair was frizzy and he had definitely just woken up.

"Cake! Sup kid." He ruffled my hair, then took a second to register. "Oh yea, how'd your lil date go last night, huh?"

"Right bout that-" I started, pushing past him into his house. "I got some stuff to tell ya." And I started to smile.

So we sat on his couch, he made popcorn and listened patiently, making small comments. And I told him everything. His mom, Grace came in at one point: a tall pretty woman with brown and graying hair and a always positive attitude. She smiled and asked what we were talking about, Bull said guy stuff, and then she left to go run errands. His mom was super cool, Bull and I were talking for so long that she came back and gave us ice cream.

"I'm proud of ya, Cake." Bull said, ruffling my hair for probably the 5th time that day. He took a bite of his chocolate ice cream.

"Y'know I think..." Grace began, sitting back on the arm chair. (I had filled her in on everything.) "I think that this is turning into one of those classic young love stories. People make money off those sort of books y'know?"

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