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{In L.A, California}

     "Where's Golbach!?" The guy yelled, punching Mike in the stomach as hard as he could. Mike groaned and hung his head low.
     "I'll never tell you." Mike looked up at the guy without moving his head. Blood was splattered on Mike from his nose and mouth bleeding. Mike would die just to keep these guys away from Sam.
"Okay. Then let's go ask your little friend." The guy grabbed mike up from the chair he was tied too and harshly dragged Mike into another room. Mike's eyes shot up to see Colby, tied to a chair, tired and worn out. Mike was suddenly forced down into a chair not to far from Colby, but close enough to where Mike could have a close up on whatever was about to happen to Colby.
"Since your friend here won't tell us. How about you tell us pretty boy." The guy grabbed Colby's jaw, making Colby look at him. Colby spit straight on the guys face.
"I won't tell you shit about Sam!" Colby yelled in the guys face. The guy growled and grabbed a mental bat, beating Colby in the stomach with it. Mike watch in shock. He wasn't disgusted. Just. Shocked. Colby groaned in pain, coughing and spitting out blood.
"I'll ask again. Where the f*ck is Samuel John Golbach?!" The guy yelled grabbing out a thousand degree knife. Colby looked at Mike in fear. Mike knew a panic attack when he saw one. Mike looked around but saw at least forty to sixty men surrounding the room. Mike already tried the "he's at this place" trick where that person is not actually at that place, they knew he was lying, they even checked the place to see if a "Samuel Golbach" came in to any shops or hotels, apartments. But their was nothing of Sam there. Colby gulped,
"WHERE'S SAMUEL?!" The guy yelled as loud as he could. Colby took a deep breathe,
"Somewhere where you will never. EVER. Find him." Colby glared at the guy.
"Very well." The guy sliced Colby's collar bone open with the thousand degree knife. Colby screamed and yelled in pain, groaning and moaning loudly at the stinging sensation of the knife.
"Should we try again pretty boy?" The guy laughed and made a giant gash down Colby's peck down to his hip bone. Colby's screams filled the entire place. Mike watched as Colby's blood ran down his stomach. They had just came out of a car crash and they were already being tortured for just knowing Sam.
"I'll finish you later. If your still alive!" The guy cackled and walked out the room.
"I am, so f*cking sorry Cole-" Mike started, but was cut off by Colby's pain filled voice.
"Don't start...." Colby groaned and huffed out a breathe. Colby was still mad at Mike. While the two were in the hospital, Mike got all the attention from Colby's so called "friends". He felt betrayed. Worse part was, Colby was more injured then Mike. And right when Mike could've helped Colby before he could bleed out a die, Mike just said nothing.
"I'm sorry....." Mike looked down, sighing.
"I don't want your stupid apology. I just want Sam back...." Colby mumbled. Mike just simple nodded and kept his head down. Tears ran down Colby's cheeks, both from pain, and betrayal. Sam did mess around with Mike and say nothing to Colby but Colby knew Sam enough to know Sam beats himself up for that. While Mike laid back and enjoyed the pleasure he got. The attention he oh so much wanted. Colby despised him. Nothing in the world could explain Colby's anger and sadness, the craving feeling of Sam's long pale fingers softly gliding across Colby's body. Oh how much Colby loved and missed Sam. At that moment he knew, he would leave this place. With or without Mike. Just as long as he found Sam before they did. That's all that mattered to Colby. Sam. Samuel John Golbach is all, that matters.

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