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{Three Days Later}

"So whats in the garage?" Corbin asked suspiciously. Him and Sam were currently standing side by side in front of the garage and Aryia.
"You'll see, just cover your eyes!" Aryia exclaimed as he watch the two close their eyes, Sam using his right hand to cover up his eyes. The two stepped forward and listened in to the sound of the garage door opening and wood creaking from the steps. Aryia grab Sam's forearm and helped him get down the two small steps, then Corbin.
     "Can we uncover our eyes yet?" Sam questioned anxiously. Aryia walked over and turned the two towards the big garage door, clicking the button and letting it move up all the way. The sun beams through the empty garage.
     "Now you can." Aryia grinned as he stepped back, watching the two uncover and open their eyes. Their faces light up in surprise.
     "Holy shit," Sam exclaims, Corbin chuckling in disbelief as he raises his hands behind his head. Sam walked towards the lime green and black car, dragging his fingers softly against the side.
     "Are these slingshot cars?!" Sam asked in utter disbelief, looking up at the other. Aryia chuckled and shook his head,
     "Yes, they are. And we get to drive them." Corbin bounces up in excitement, Sam's mouth falling open into a wide smile.
     "Yoo," Sam chuckles as he observes the cars around him.
     "Wait so the cars are ours?!" Corbin exclaimed, finally planting his feet flat on the floor. Aryia nodded,
     "Yeah," Aryia assured. Corbin jumped up once again, exclaiming in joy and excitement.
    "I call the green one!" Sam called, throwing his hand up. Corbin whines as Aryia throws Sam the keys.
    "How would you boys like to have a little race? Here all the way to Vegas?" Aryia challenged, raisng his eyebrow tauntingly. Sam's eyes squinted slightly as he smirked.
     "Oh you're on Ari." Sam taunted as he opened up the car door, hopping in. Aryia threw Corbin the keys next.
      "You're going down Golbach!" Corbin opened the door to the orange car and hopped in as well.
      "Oh, I'm going down?" Sam raised his brows teasingly with a snarky, shit eating grin. Sam winked at Corbin,
      "Game on Golbach, Game on." Aryia challenged confidently, placing his hands on the steering wheel.
      "Get ready." Aryia started, already in his black slingshot car.
      "On your mark," Sam shifted comfortable in his new seat, glancing at Corbin with a smirk. Sam's done drifting before. Plus he's been on a police chase before, multiple times. So this should be a piece of cake. Corbin on the other had, hasn't. He let Sam handle all of driving during their time together. Most of the time, he regretted it.
     "Get set," Aryia didn't set any ground rules. Therefore, nothing is ruled out. No track they have to follow, only one of them has to make it to Vegas first.
     "GO!" Aryia yelled and all three slammed on their gas petals, Sam drifted on a turn going down to a short cut while Aryia chased Corbin down the long road. Sam drove down the streets and onto rush hour traffic, being careful not to crash but also not slowing down. 4 hours. That's how long it will take to get to Vegas. But at this speed Sam's going at, it would probably take at least 2 hours. Sam quickly ran a red light, racing down the highway close by, seeing Aryia coming omto the same road Sam's heading too. Sam quickly turns into the road next to him, pushing Aryia into a concrete barrier.
      "Sorry Aryia!" Sam yelled, chuckling while still racing down. Aryia eventually pulled next to Sam, going the exact same speed as Sam.
     "Where's Corbin?" Sam asked, still watching the road.
     "Got pulled over by cops." Aryia mused, smirking at the blond. Sam laughed,
     "Speaking of cops, bye Ari!!" Sam turned his focus to the road and raced full speed down the road that lead to Vegas while Aryia got pulled over by five cop cars. Sam smirked to himself, settling on a slow, but fast speed and driving all the way there. Vegas, here I come.

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