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     Mike paced around, replaying the crash in his head over and over again like a broken record player. That wasn't a normal crash. Something unusual caused that. It probably had something to do with the 10 different black cars with tilted windows. Especially how five of those had ten dead bodies in them, Mike thought as he looked up at the first responders pulling a man in a full black suit with a bullet in his forehead out of one of the black tinted cars. Mike softly gulped, hunching over slightly at the sight.
"Sir! You can't be over here!" Mike suddenly heard a female voice yell. He shot around and saw Colby running towards the now distinguished car that set off an explosion of three different vehicles, one being a semi-truck. Thank the lord though that the driver was able to get out before the truck exploded.
Mike rushed over and ducked underneath the yellow tape, running towards Colby, ignoring the cops yelling at him. Colby fell to his knees as Mike reached him, grabbing his arms tightly and pulling him back onto his feet.
"No, No, No, NO! He has to be here somewhere Mike! This is his car! Please!" Colby begged through tears. Mike pulled the other into him,
"We have to go Colby,"
"NO! I'm not leaving till we find him! I know he's here somewhere, Mike, Please!" Mike swallowed sadly as he pulled Colby away from the site. Colby struggled and screamed for Mike to let him go, to let him look for Sam, to look for something, anything, that might help them find Sam.
"I'm sorry Colby," Mike blurted out as he dragged Colby to the car, opening the backseat door and harshly shoving Colby inside, slamming the door shut and turning child lock on. Colby banged and yelled and kicked at the doors.
"PLEASE MIKE, LET ME OUT!! I NEED TO FIND HIM!" Colby screamed, the car muffling his pleas. Mike walked around to the drivers side, getting in and starting the car, blocking out the pleas and cries of the other behind him. We'll find Sam, I promise..


Mike looked over the swarm of people, all clustered together, chatting and partying. Where's Sam?, Mike thought to himself as he scanned the people in search for the blond. Everyone was wondering where he had ran off too. Colby had asked him to go look around to see if he could find Sam, they had to leave soon. They had a flight in the morning to Pennsylvania for a video. Mike pushed through people, apologizing as he went. He raised his head, trying to see over everyone to see if maybe he could catch a glimpse of where the blond was. He wasn't one to run off during parties. Mike looked all around him, looking in every single corner, his eyes scanned the place for a bright blond with pale skin. He should be easier to find, he sticks out like a sore thumb, Mike thought as his eyes breezed past two men, one blond, the other brunette. Wait, Mike looked back over at the two men in an empty corridor that led to nothing and only built there for decoration. Mike's eyes landed on the blond. Sam, Mike identified quietly to himself. His eyes suddenly landing on the brunette in front of him, connecting lips with the blond over and over again. Mike stopped in his tracks, his eyes widen with surprise as he watched as Sam placed his hand on the side of the brunettes face, deepening the kiss and clearly enjoying it. He must be drunk, Mike tried to reason in his head. No, Sam hasn't drank that much, maybe a cup, or a half a cup of whiskey. Sam's not drunk. Plus he's never acted out sexually or such when he is, Mike stated in his head, coming to the realization that his friend may just like men. I should go back. Tell them that Sam's just talking with a girl. It's clear he doesn't want anyone to see him. That's why he chose that place, Mike accepted as he turned around, taking a small glance behind him at the two. Good for you man, Mike smiled to himself as he pushed through the crowd of people towards Colby and the others.

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