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{At Colby's house}

     "Welcome to my home Micheal." Colby opened the front door and let Mike walk in first with Sammy in his arms.
     "Nice place," Mike complimented as he walked around, looking at the pictures of Colby and Sam together.
     "Thanks." Colby shut and locked the front door and carried Mike and his stuff into Colby's room. Mike carefully put Sammy on the group to let him run around considering he's been in the car for more then a day. Mike roamed around more until he came across a picture of him, Jake, Colby, and Sam. Sam looked terrified of Mike, in a good way of course. All jokes. Mike rubbed his thumb against Sam in the picture, instantly remembering that night.


"You coming Mike?" Jake yelled from the front door. He'd been waiting there to pick up Mike for forever, but Mike was too busy taking a shower, putting cologne that smelt like sweet death, and deciding wether or not he should wear eyeliner to the party.
"Yeah I'm coming!" Mike quickly ran his fingers through his hair, making sure it looked good before running down the stairs with his phone in his hand.
"Finally." Jake groaned, lifting his back off the door frame and walking to his red car.
"Oh shut it Jake, you don't have to worry about looking good for Sam, or anyone in that matter!" Mike stomped his way to the passengers side of the car.
"Oh so that's what it's about? Your only coming to the party to see Sam. Or any party for that matter." Jake grinned and got in the drivers side, bulking himself in, glancing at Mike with a smug grin.
"Whatever. Just take me there. I don't want to disappoint Sam." Mike grumbled and looked out the window. Jake just chuckled and started the car.

{At the Party}

Mike looked around, pushing through people to find Sam. Or at least Colby. Soon Mike saw Sam's blonde hair and XPLR rubber bracelet. Mike decided to sneak up behind Sam and grab his shoulders,
     "BOO!!" Mike yelled as Sam jumped to the side with his hands at his chest.
    "Jesus Mike!!" Sam chuckled and bent over with one hand on his knee and one hand on his heart. Mike laughed,
     "Sorry Sam! Couldn't help it." Mike shrugged and patted Sam on the shoulder.
     "Your a dick Mike." Sam fully stood up and looked up at Mike and chuckled a bit. Mike smiled, so f*cking adorable, Mike thought to himself as he stared at Sam with loving eyes. Sam looked at him the same until Colby walked over, the same love was still in his eyes as he watched Colby swing his arm around Mike's shoulder,
     "Hey bitch!!" Colby yelled with a deep tone. Mike laughed and punched Colby's rib playfully.
    "Hey whore!" Colby and Mike laughed together. Sam just watched them with a smile. Soon Mike's eyes meet Sam's and a sudden tension fill the air around them. Mike's eyes started filling to love and lust while Sam tried to push away the lust in his eyes. Soon Colby looked at Sam the same way Mike was and Sam, yet again, hid the lust. But Mike knew lust when he saw it.
"Having fun name calling?" Sam finally said, leaning his hip against the counter of the kitchen. Mike's eyes followed his body's every moved. Colby did the same.
    "Yeah. I could name call you too pussy." Colby spat with humor. Sam huffed,
    "Not my fault I'm scared of heights!" Sam playfully kicked Colby's knee inwards.
    "Ow!" Colby death stared Sam as Sam did the same. Mike just laughed at the two best friends. What a weird duo.

     "Having fun looking at the photos Mike?" Colby asked, snapping Mike out of his flashback. Mike just looked at Colby, dumbfounded. Soon Sammy ran past Mike and Colby, snapping Colby and Mike from their staring contest.
"Shit!" Mike set the picture down and chased Sammy out the front door and quickly ran after Sammy. Colby grabbed his keys and got in his car to follow Sammy and Mike as Mike ran down the street into the city of Los Angeles.

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