Mad Tea Party, What Could Have Been

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Jinx's POV
My sister won. I thought she would lose and the party would be wasted, but I knew. She always wins. Always. After falling to her knees, she shouts. Maybe she's relieved that she finally beat her opponent. She still needs to work on her guard and she still needs patience. I can't believe I'm going to think this, but, I'm proud of her. "Silco." Wait, she was after Silco the whole time? How silly. I won't let her hurt him nor will I let him hurt her. I silently appear behind my sister as she went to pick up her new toy. So she has a new fancy Hextech helping her? That just won't do, but I'm feeling a little generous.

 So she has a new fancy Hextech helping her? That just won't do, but I'm feeling a little generous

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"Bravo, sis." I said as I gave her a light smack on the back of her head. She's gonna be out for a while but don't worry, she'll live. I just need to make her see something that she's not seeing. "I'll make you understand. You have to understand." I said. I was so certain that she was gonna see what I see. She has to.


This place was still here after all that happened. It was my fault. If I had known that my monkey bomb would cause this, well, I still would blame myself. I can still see what happened here years ago. I was young and dumb. If only Caitlyn knew what really happened. Caitlyn. I missed Caitlyn. The old Caitlyn. The Caitlyn that read me stories about rabbits and appreciated my gifts. She loved my drawings and... she was my friend. Not anymore. She's become one of those monsters. That's not my Caitlyn. She must have also met Silco. I know he knew about her staying in Zaun years ago, but he didn't believe it. He just had to see it to believe it. He... was going to give me up to those Pilties. He doesn't care about me. He only cared about Zaun. He said so himself like he was blaming me. "Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?" He didn't stutter. I knew what he meant. At least I think I knew what he meant. I was the problem to him and now, I have no one else but Vi. It'll be me and Vi. Just the two of us. No one else. And I'll make Piltover pay for everything. But, enough of that. It's time to get the party started.
I lit up some sparklers in the little trinket that was set beneath my sister's unconscious body and waited for her to wake up. She should be awake by now. She doesn't stay asleep for that long when I knock someone out. Well, I think. I hope I didn't... Well, I would blame myself and I will be alone forever. But that won't happen because she's awake. She's here and I was ready to get the party started. She struggled to get out of her binds, but they were too tight to get out of. I spoke up before she tried anything else. "Really thought I buried this place." I sighed. "But I should have known better."

"Powder?" She keeps calling me that name.

"Nothing ever stays dead." I was comfortable in the darkness. No one could see me. I was like a shadow, and I favor the shadows. She moves her head from different directions, looking for me. I remained in the dark. I wasn't ready to show my face yet.

"Are we alone?"

"For now." I crept to the sides where she could not find me. My movements caught her attention but she didn't see me just yet. "Maybe forever." She looked so scared. I wouldn't blame her. I'd be scared of me too. "Wanna know a secret?" I asked. "Silco thinks he made Jinx, with all his rants and his hard-won lessons. "Excise your doubts, Jinx." "Be what they fear, Jinx." Like everything was the same when Vander left him." I could tell she didn't expect to hear any of this come from me. From Jinx. Like she believes that her sister wouldn't say anything like that. "But he didn't make Jinx." I paused "You did." I looked at my sister with illuminating eyes as I blamed her for making Jinx. I blame her for what she did, but I don't. Because it doesn't matter anymore. She's home and she's always going to choose me. I know it.

Cupcake | Arcane AU | Vi x Caitlyn (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now