The Firelight and The Crow

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Ekko agreed to take Caitlyn and Vi to Piltover to give back the Gemstone. But they will have to move to the bridge quietly. One of the Firelights named Scar pushed open a passage way to get to Piltover without being spotted. Scar gave good luck to make sure he came back alive. Caitlyn was amazed that Ekko accomplished so much when Piltover accomplish very little because of progress. Zaun isn't like Piltover. It's different from it. It's not cocktail parties nor is it fancy luxury, people here don't mask who they are. Unlike Piltover. Caitlyn has been trying to escape from the world she lived in and prove to herself and maybe to her parents that she can take care of herself and not be pampered like a doll. She wants to be free from all restrictions her parents made for her. She dislikes it, but she knows that they do that because they worry for her. She will prove herself, one way or another. As they reach outside the Firelight hideout a bunch of bugs glowing a green glow. The way they fly makes them look like their floating in mid air. Caitlyn was surprised to see such beautiful creatures. "What are they?" Caitlyn asked.

 "What are they?" Caitlyn asked

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"We call them firelights. Never seen so many though." It was a fleet of firelights. Vi was also surprised to see that the population of these bugs had doubled. It was beautiful to see even the smallest of life thrive in an underground wasteland. Vi and Caitlyn continue to follow Ekko to the bridge. Vi looked over to see her Piltover sweetheart become captivated by these insects. This made Vi smile. Not the "ridiculous" smile. It was a genuine smile. Vi didn't know why, but know she started thinking about something. Something that she wanted to tell Caitlyn but just couldn't muster the strength to. She just thought she was everyone else in Piltover. But she trusts her. So she decided to tell her what was on her mind. "I had a dream about you." Caitlyn looked at Vi and thought her ears drunk. Did she hear her correctly? Or was her mind playing tricks?


"Last night. I had I dream that I was back in Piltover with you. In your room." Caitlyn was interested to hear how the dream turned out, and wondered what they did. Did they kiss? Did they go their separate ways or did they live happily ever after. But that was a long way to go. She listens closely and stays quiet. "You sat on your bed and I was outside the window of your room. I was happy to see you. I opened the window and you looked happy yourself. You came to me, running to hug me. The room was almost what I remember. But it's not. I didn't say much other than, "Let's go to Zaun!"" Caitlyn chuckled. "But you didn't want to. You wanted me to stay. And the thing is, I wanted to stay too. I didn't want to leave. So we both went to the bed and just laid there. Talking and making each other laugh. And... you disappeared." Caitlyn was shocked. She didn't know what to say other than I'm sorry, but it wasn't her fault. She wanted Vi to stay in Vi's dream, but what's sad it felt real for Vi. Caitlyn and Vi stop. "It was like... Deja vu." Caitlyn moves hair away from her right side to see her face. Greyish blue eyes. Just how they were when they first met.

"You love birds comin'?" Ekko says interrupting the interaction they were having.

"Yes, Ekko, we're coming." Vi says as they continue to walk. Caitlyn whispers to Vi questioning the comment Ekko made.

Cupcake | Arcane AU | Vi x Caitlyn (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now