Chapter 59

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A/N:  Sorry for the late post!  I flew to Las Vegas for D4 of PTD Friday night and haven't had a chance to write.  Arrived in Vegas at midnight and headed straight for the merch line.  Flew home at 1 AM after the concert and spent yesterday catching up on sleep.  Only had 4 hours in 48 hours.  Hope you enjoy the chapter!


"Oh my goodness. Their classes were so good." I turned to Taehyung, who was seated next to me, Noah sitting on his lap.

Taehyung grinned. "That really was amazing. I'm so proud of the work they did with those kids."

"Can I take dance classes?" Noah's voice was shy and I looked over at him, a grin on my face.

"You want to dance?"

Noah nodded. "Yes. And go to school."

My heart melted for the little boy and I felt a pang of hurt flash across me, realizing just how much he had missed out on. "Of course honey. We can get you registered for school right away and I'm sure that Jimin and Hobi will talk to you about the dance classes."

Noah bounced excitedly on Taehyung's lap, making us all laugh. Namjoon went to ask him a question, but the curtains went up, and our mouths dropped open. There on the stage was Jimin and Hoseok. Jimin was dressed all in white, while Hoseok was dressed in black. Noah kneeled on Taehyung's lap, eager to see what was happening.

We waited with bated breath and when the music started and they began to dance, my breath caught in my throat. I had seen Hoseok teach a class before but I had never seen him dance like this and this was the first time seeing Jimin dance at all. And they were absolutely breathtaking. They moved so perfectly in sync and I couldn't take my eyes off of them. They were beautiful and I was so completely entranced with every move.

Too soon, the music ended and they took their final bows. The audience was silent for a moment before the applause began. Within seconds, we were on our feet, the rest of the audience quickly joining us. Noah was cheering excitedly from his spot in Taehyung's arms and I had to smile at his sweet reaction.

"Oh my god. That was... was so beautiful." Namjoon's voice was filled with awe and when I looked over at him, the tears in his eyes touched my heart.

I wanted to rush backstage and see the two of them, but I knew Yoongi was coming up soon and I wanted to be there for him, show my sweet kitty that he had our support, especially considering how nervous he had been. I tried to concentrate on the next few acts, but I was anxious to see Yoongi. Soon enough, the curtains opened to reveal my tiger on the stage.

Yoongi looked out over the audience and I knew he was searching for us. He caught my eye and I gave him a little wave, one that made him smile. He nodded then turned his attention to the piano and began to play. My mouth dropped open once again as he took control of the beautiful instrument, making it come to life between his talented fingers. The music flowed and I knew I had never heard anything so beautiful. It was a haunting melody that filled me with grief, but at the same time, the chords were so stunning that I couldn't help but smile. His eyes were closed as he played and I knew he was playing from his heart, from a tortured spot inside of him.

When his fingers played the last notes, I finally let the tears spill down my cheeks. As the applause began, Yoongi stood, a smile growing on his face at the standing ovation. We stood and cheered with the rest of them, and just like with Jimin and Hoseok, Noah's excited cheers could be heard throughout the auditorium and I hoped Yoongi heard the support, the adoration from the audience, something he had been afraid he wouldn't receive.

The rest of the show went by quickly and before I knew it, we were heading backstage to find our mates. I looked around for them, not seeing them, but my name being yelled caught my attention and I turned to see a bright orange head of hair heading towards me. Hoseok had Jimin by one hand and Yoongi by the other, dragging the two smaller men behind him.

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