Chapter 13

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After leaving the cemetery, Sehun treated me to breakfast at a little café not too far from the sanctuary.  I knew it was his way of making sure that I was all right, making sure that I was in an okay state of mind.  This burial, just like so many others, was heart wrenching and I couldn't help the tears that spilled down my cheeks.  Today's burial was different in one aspect; Jungkook was not by my side, holding my hand.  I was surprised that he had offered to go with me, but I didn't want to start relying on him again, only to have him reject me.  If his choice were to distance himself from me then I would respect that choice.

As we ate, Sehun tried to make me laugh, telling me how Chase started whining for me as soon as he woke up yesterday morning, wondering where I was and when I was going to be coming in.  I tried to explain to him that I had the night shift, which is why I wasn't there in the mornings with him.  My explanation just ended up with me trying to console a pouty lion.  I did tell him I would be there with him before he went to sleep, but it wasn't enough to appease him.

"Would you be willing to come back to the day shift?  Derek was saying last night that he would like the night shift."  Sehun's eyes studied my face as he spoke.

Thinking about it for a second, I nodded my head.  "Sure.  It will give me more time to spend with Hobi and Jin." 

"What about Jungkook?" 

I sighed at his question.  "Jungkook... he... he wants nothing to do with me anymore.  Whatever relationship we were starting to build is completely gone."  Even though I knew what was happening, saying the words out loud made everything seem more real, like a bucket of ice water over my head.

Sehun reached across the table and patted my hand, his sad smile sympathetic.  "It's going to be alright.  I promise you.  I've seen Jungkook around you.  There's no way he's going to last long without you, not when you're his mate."

"Yeah but he's going to be living with two other mates.  He's barely said anything to me for the last several days."  I couldn't keep the sadness from my voice, the obvious sorrow that was filling every part of me.

"I'm telling you.  It's going to be okay."

Although I wanted to be optimistic, I just couldn't.  I knew what was on Jungkook's mind and nothing I did would ever change it.  I continued to push the food around on my plate, finally taking an actual bite when Sehun reached across the table and thumped my forehead lightly, a gentle scold that was full of affection.

After we finished, Sehun offered to give me a ride home, something I gratefully accepted.  The encounter with Jimin this morning had set me on edge and although I missed my patients, I just didn't want to go back to the sanctuary today.  I wanted to stay as far away from there as I could for now.  Hopefully it would give me some time to pull myself together, some time to think about what I needed to do.

When I got home, the house was empty and I vaguely remembered Jin telling me that they were going to visit Jimin and Taehyung today.  He also said Namjoon was coming over and there was something they wanted to talk about.  He assured me that it wasn't bad and I wanted to trust him, but with the crap going on with Jungkook, I couldn't help but be nervous about it all.  While the apartment was empty, I needed a distraction so I set about cleaning it from top to bottom, anything to take my mind of Jungkook, Jimin, and the lost hybrid we buried today. 

Several hours later, I slumped down on the sofa, pleased with the cleanliness of the house.  I made sure to use non-scented cleaning products and things made from natural ingredients since I knew the hybrids' noses were especially sensitive to strong smells and fragrances.  It was why I didn't wear perfume.  It used to make Jin's nose wrinkle and itch, so I stopped wearing it, wanting him to be comfortable around me.  Getting up, I showered quickly then changed into a pair of jeans and a long sleeve black shirt, throwing my hair into a quick ponytail.

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