Chapter 4

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Jimin POV:

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I ran a hand down Taehyung's hair, trying to soothe the pain that was so evident in his face. "It's okay babe. It's going to be okay. I'm going to figure this out.  Get some sleep." I kissed his forehead gently and he gave me a soft smile. As he closed his eyes, I couldn't stop the shiver that passed through my body. The nights were getting colder and I knew we were going to get hit with winter soon. Worried, I wondered how we would make it through another cold year. For now, we were relatively safe and as I looked around the alley we were currently hiding in, I hoped that no one would bother us here

As Taehyung dozed off in my arms, I tried to think of what to do. My mate and I had been living on the streets for the last two years. I had run away from my previous owners, needing to get away from the horrible humans when I had been attacked by a group of leopard hybrids. I was no match for the stronger hybrids, but was saved when a tall golden eagle hybrid came in like an avenging angel. As soon as he was close to me, the scent of strawberry shortcake filled my nose and I knew that this handsome hybrid was my mate. We had been together ever since, living on the streets and doing whatever we could to survive.

The time with Taehyung hadn't been too bad, but two days ago he was in a shop purchasing food for us with money he got from selling a painting. As he was leaving the shop he was attacked by a group of humans. They had stabbed him in the leg with a piece of metal fencing and damaged one of his golden wings, ripping out the feathers until they fell around his feet like a puddle of glittering water. Now my mate was injured and there was nothing I could do about it. I leaned down kissing his forehead again, worrying when the temperature was much higher than normal. As hybrids, our temperatures normally ran high, but his was much higher than it should be and it scared the shit out of me.

Leaning my head against the brick building, I closed my eyes, trying not to let my frustration show. With my mate injured, I needed to be calm, needed to keep a clear head about me. The sound of footsteps had my eyes popping open and I eyed the hybrid that was standing in front of me. He had spotted ears and a long spotted tail, so I could tell he was some kind of cat. He stopped a few feet away and I could see he was trying to decide if he should approach me or not.

"Please. Please don't hurt us. My... my mate is already injured. Please don't hurt him." I couldn't stop the tears that filled my eyes or the pleas that burst from my lips. "Please don't hurt him."

The man took a step towards me and kneeled down in front of Taehyung. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a doctor. I can help your mate. Is... is it okay if I take a look at him?"

I hesitated but I knew Taehyung needed medical care. "Please be careful. He's all I have and he is everything to me."

The doctor nodded. "My car is parked at the end of the alley. I'm going to go and get a couple of things and I will be right back." At my slight nod, he stood and hurried to a black car I could see a short distance away. Within moments, the doctor was back with a small black bag and a blanket. He kneeled next to Taehyung again and laid the back of his hand against Taehyung's forehead. "He has a slight fever. Do you know where he was injured?"

"Yes. He was... he was stabbed in the leg a couple of days ago and they... damaged his wing." I gestured towards Taehyung's right leg at the bloodstain on his blue jeans then pointed towards the bare patch on his wing, the spot that was red from irritation.

Grabbing a pair of scissors from his bag, the doctor cut the leg of Taehyung's pants and I gasped at the sight. I hadn't seen the wound after I tried to take care of it the first time and I could tell right away it was badly infected. The doctor pulled a bottle of clear liquid from the bag and poured it over Taehyung's leg, the wound bubbling and fizzing at the contact. Taehyung didn't flinch and I realized he must have passed out from the pain. It made me understand that it was much worse than I originally thought.

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