Chapter 6

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Jimin POV:

An hour later, I sat in the chair, waiting for Y/N to return. I knew Taehyung was irritated with me from the way I had acted with her, but I just couldn't help it. She was a human and didn't deserve any respect since they clearly didn't respect us. I didn't want to admit that she had been extremely gentle with Taehyung. She didn't touch him anymore than absolutely necessary after I made it clear that he was my mate. Her voice was sweet, but extremely polite. I hated to think about it but it made me wonder what her laugh sounded like, how she smiled and I mean a real smile, not that polite shit she gave us. I shook my head to clear my thoughts as the door opened, not missing the way Taehyung smiled at the idea of seeing Y/N again.

A male hybrid stepped into the room, Taehyung's chart in his hand. It was the same snake hybrid that helped bring him in last night. "Hi Mr. Kim. My name is Eric and I'm going to be your nurse."

Taehyung's smile dropped. "Um... where... where is Nurse Y/N? She said she would be taking care of me."

Eric shrugged. "I'm not sure Mr. Kim. She was reassigned to another patient and I will be taking over from here." He quickly checked Taehyung's vitals, his manner polite and efficient. He pulled a syringe out of his pocket and showed it to Taehyung. "I'm going to give you an antibiotic. It will help with the infection on your leg." Taehyung nodded and I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

Seeing the look on my mate's face, I could see I had fucked things up. I might not like Y/N but it didn't mean that Taehyung didn't and I had done everything I could to push her away from us. The nurse finished up with Taehyung and gave us a small smile before leaving the room. "I'll be right back." I squeezed Taehyung's hand and quickly followed Eric out of the room. "Can you tell me who to talk to about the other nurse?"

Eric hesitated then pointed towards an office at the end of the hall. "You can talk to Sehun, the doctor in charge. He's the one who assigns nurses to patients. He might be able to tell you something."

Giving him a nod of thanks, I headed down the hall. When I arrived towards the half open door, I stopped when my mate's scent reached my nose and her voice filled my ears. I peeked in the door and she was seated on a sofa, her head resting on the shoulder of another hybrid, the doctor who had brought Taehyung and me. I couldn't help but feel the flash of anger and jealousy rush over me at the sight of this hybrid so close to my mate. I went to move away when I heard a small sniffle and it made my heart break a little when I realized she was crying.

"I've never had a hybrid hate me so much Sehun. In ten years, this has never happened." Y/N's voice was small and it made me feel like shit.

Sehun wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and I wanted to tear his arm off. "It's okay kid. You did the right thing by asking to be reassigned. You just stay with Chase and the rest of your patients and you won't ever have to deal with those two again. Don't even worry about it."

My heart dropped to my feet and I felt a lump in the pit of my stomach. Our mate had asked to be assigned to a different patient? Was I really that much of an asshole? Shaking my head, I walked away from the room. Who cares if she was crying? She was just a worthless little human and no one of importance. It wasn't as though I cared about what she thought or how she felt.

Stalking back to the room, I couldn't push down the small feeling of guilt at her tears, but I quickly brushed it off. I went back into the room, focusing my mind back on Taehyung, my mate that really mattered to me. Not some silly human who wasn't worth the ground she walked on. "Hey babe." I kissed Taehyung's lips, smiling when he closed his eyes and leaned into it. I deepened the kiss, needing to feel his lips on mine. When he groaned, I slipped my tongue between his parted lips. As I continued to kiss him, I could feel my cock harden in my pants. Pulling back a little, I gave his neck a little kiss. "I can't wait until we get out of here. It's been too long babe."

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