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Hello, this is a valgrace book in case you couldn't tell. I'm here just do give you a rundown and a few warnings I guess.

Warning: internalised homophobia, intrusive thoughts, angst, violence, crude language

( I'll add or take as the story progresses )

Spoilers! for: Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo. So don't read unless you are fine with it.

This AU is basically where Leo, Festus and Calypso return to Camp Half-Blood after the events of ToA. So they return after Apollo is back where he should be and Meg will appear some time throughout the story. 

Also lets say that Jason didn't die or his and Piper's relationship isn't so crushed. Basically Percy helped Apollo and Meg. This means Leo has been gone for even longer as well and Jason has just been sad and lonely in his cabin.

I hope you understand because I barely do, I'm just going with this idea I came up with be prepared for mass angst (and fluff). It has been a while since I've read HoO so sorry if I get anything wrong and the characters are ooc. Especially Jason, he is complicated.  

Calypso will only be bitchy for a little while. No one is homophobic either it is basically self induced :(

Yeah and let's say Apollo and Meg pop in from time to time because relationship advice is needed for plot advancement. (Also I just like them)

I lost my train of thought so idk now. I'm just writing this because there are not many on this platform and I am currently in need of valgrace. 

Updates should be consistent if school doesn't kill me.

Sorry if stuff doesn't make sense but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. If you do leave a vote and comment behind!

- cinth :)

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