Introducing the Parents Pt. 2

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M--"Damn what kind of man did you trap this time?" I looked at her for a minute then I cleared my throat then grabbed Alec's hand in mine then tried to smile to not show how upset I was, 

A--"Welcome to our home, my name is Alec Reyes, please come in" you can tell he doesn't want to be nice and is in work mode, I tighten my grip on his hand I look up at him and ask him in Spanish, 

S--"No puedo esperar hasta que terminemos con esto con esta noche" he looked down at me saying, (Translation: I can't wait until we're done with this night) 

A--"Yo también, veo un arma que saldrá pronto" I let out a laugh but stopped when I heard my freaking mother talk (Translation: Me too, I see a gun coming out soon)

M--"Can we come in? And when did you learn Mexican?" my mom asked in sarcasm, 

A--"Miss it isn't Mexican it is Spanish, I'm from Columbia not Mexico and yes you can come in" we turned and walked away from the door, he let go of my hand to place it around my waist he then leaned down whispering in my ear, 

A--"I know that you are going into subspace but walk with confidence" I nod and tried my best too. We made it to the dining room, Alec sat at the head of the table, me to the left of him with Gabby and Dominic beside me, and then Evan and Asher are on the right side of Alec. 

M--"Evan? I thought you were in the military" 

E--"Yeah to beat the gay out of me? No thanks, I found where I belong, and they accept me, my real family well I still love my sister of course no matter how she lives her life unlike you, so please sit-down Mandy and Philip lets catch up" he looked right at me when he said what he said knowing he was talking about me, and Alec's relationship is a submissive and dominate relationship, I smiled at him then looked over at Alec seeing him already looking at me I smiled but then I heard my mom said, 

M--"So Skyler are you still such a fat slut like you used to be? Or have you grown out of it? Although I don't think you are because you wouldn't be wearing what you are and sitting by a guy way out of your league, and in a house like this, usually you would be living in a dump sleeping with..." I stopped her by slamming on of my hands on the table glaring at her,

S--"You better shut your mouth while you ahead because I know that the people here surrounding you tonight, they can either make you feel incredible amount of pain over a period of time or kill you fast and hard without remorse and I can vouch for every single one of these people in this room"

P--"Oh please they couldn't do that, I bet they don't have the stomachs for it, as for you, you don't have enough sense in you to vouch for anybody, all your good for is being a stay at home slave, oh and by the way when you are done pretending to have a good life, and that loves you, or friends there are some clothes and dishes that need washed at home"

A--"Damn you talk way too much, do you not remember who's house you are in right now?"

M--"Sh-" Alec cut her off from speaking so he could,

A--"Hermoso, esperé lo más que pude, saca las armas pero no dispares a menos que Skyler y Evan den el visto bueno." everybody looked at me for conformation I was shocked everybody was looking at me, (Translation: Beautiful, I waited as long as I could, take out the guns but don't shoot unless Skyler and Evan give the go-ahead.)

S--"Por qué todo el mundo me mira, yo no estoy a cargo?" (Translation: Why is everybody looking at me, I'm not in charge?)

A--"Necesitamos tener una charla mañana por la mañana gatito, pero por ahora todo el mundo levanta allí las armas." everybody did what they were told to do and the scared shirtless face expression on my parents had me wanting to laugh that is until they seen that I didn't have one, (Translation: We need to have a talk tomorrow morning kitten, but for now everybody raise there weapons.)

M--"So what, you don't have one, are you to scared to carry one, you were always the bitch of the family, the fat useless bitch?" I felt cold metal press against my thigh I looked down and I grabbed raising it above the table looking at it, taking the safety off and cocking the gun pointing it at my parents, they looked at me scared, I stood up walking to them slowly, 

S--"Let's get one thing straight, you are in our home not yours so you will treat me with respect.  You come in here treat me like shit like you have been for years expecting me to bow down to you and do what every you want, well I am here to tell you that I have changed since I have livid with you, I am training in combat, trained in weapons such as knives, swords, and guns. So, I am very sorry to tell you guys this, but you can beat me up like you did when I forgot to do your laundry or forgetting to put one dish back in the cabinet after washing all of them and drying them or cook your dinner for you." I paused because by now I am right in front of them with the gun at my side which I sat down right in front of her on the dining room table she went to grab it but I quickly punch her in the face twice breaking her nose and busting her lip in the process, my father tried to grab my gun but before he could grab it Alec was standing beside him pointing a gun at his head saying, 

A--"I wouldn't do that if I was you, that would be a grave mistake not only for you but for your wife" Alec then looked at me nodding his head for me to continue and I smiled back, 

S--"You are hereby never allowed to step foot in our house again, you are not me or Evan's mom and dad you will be called Mandy and Philip if we ever see each other in the future again, you are to not tell anybody what you saw here, and if you do we will know and you will be notified as a threat and you will be eliminated, do I make myself clear?" the didn't say anything and Alec said in his Mafia voice, 

A--"She said does she make herself clear? Answer the damn question or so help me you will both have a bullet in between your eyes before you can even blink" 

M--"Yes we understand" 

S--"Good now get your no good, useless ass's out of our home and never return" they got up quick and were about to the door when I said, 

S--"Oh wait a couple more things before you go, Philip, mandy has been cheating on you behind your back since Evan left, she cheats every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and if you fight, she also does in on Saturdays each time it is with a new guy or girl for that matter so you might want to get tested. Now Mandy, Philip has gotten his assistant pregnant and is helping raise the child behind your back, also he has a gambling addiction and by now you are probably about to lose your home. Now if you will excuse me, me and my family need to finish our dinner so please leave and don't let the door hit you on the way out." they both looked shocked but scurried out the door, I turned around everybody looking at me shocked, 

G--"I am loving the new confidence" I smiled but I am slowly slipping in subspace, Evan then asked me a question, 

E--"How did you know all of that stuff?" 

S--"I was never allowed to leave the house, or I wasn't allowed to talk unless ordered to talk so that let me listen to everything going on around me, and mom would bring over girls and guys sometimes at the same time and them not leave for hours, as for Philip he would call his assistant every night in his office and talk loudly, so loudly I heard them through my bedroom walls, also he was talking to somebody about losing the house in a gambling ring one night"

E--"Damn you would be a good spy, Alec wh..." he didn't even finish his statement when Alec let out a growl noise, 

A--"No, she will not be touched by any other man but me" he walked over to me bringing me into his chest, 

S--"I wouldn't want to be a spy" 

A--"Good" he smacked my butt playfully, I giggled when I heard Evan doing gagging sounds for the second time today, 

E--"You guys are going to have to be more private when you are around me" that caused me and Alec to laugh. I asked Alec in a whisper, 

S--"Podemos subir a nuestra habitación, estoy agotado y voy al subespacio?" he nodded before walking into the kitchen then walking back with a couple of plates in his hand, we said our goodnights then walked up to our room. when we got to the room we got in our pajamas, ate our delicious food, while watching a movie, and of course some cuddling, before falling in a peaceful sleep the rest of the night.  (Translation: Can we go up to our room, I am exhausted and going to subspace?)

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