The Talk, Then Business

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There will be cussing:

I had everybody come to the living room while we waited for my brother, by everybody I mean, Alec, Asher, Gabby, Dominic. Asher was disappointed with his boyfriend, and I was too, never in a million years would I think my brother would say stuff like that after not knowing what hell I have been through. The door was slammed open then slammed shut I seen Alec's posture go ridged, I grab him hand and squeeze it. My brother walked towards Asher and leaned down to kiss him, but Asher stopped him by holding his hand up while saying, 

A--"Oh no don't do that my bestfriend is in the room, and she is like my little sister, I wouldn't want her thinking I am lonely and taking advantage of you, and don't sit by me go sit by yourself, and listen to your sister" he clenched his jaw and went and sat down, I am nervous about doing this, but I stand up anyways. I took off the big shirt off and then my pants,

E--"What the hell are you doing"

S--"Telling you the truth, now shut you fucking mouth and listen" I looked over at Alec, 

S--"Sorry, I'll try not to cuss" they looked confused when I looked around the room, but shortly they will know, 

S--"I am going to start when I was in high school, once you left, I was really depressed, and our parents were treating me like I was there Cinderella" I chuckled sarcastically, 

S--"At that point I stopped talking to the little friends I had, I was named the weird, fat, nerdy kid that sits in the back of the classroom drawing in a notebook. Then one day this really cute guy came up to talk to me, he was the quarter back and I thought, why would he want to date me, so I pushed him away, but he wasn't giving up on me, I finally gave in one day, months later I had my very first boyfriend." I looked down at my body, looking at all of the scars that are on my body, I looked up at Asher and when he seen my face he burst out in tears, 

E--"Asher what is wrong"

A--"Shut the hell up and don't talk to me" I sighed and then continued with my story, 

S--"One day a few months down the road I had already moved here with him, and I was cooking dinner one day while he was in our bedroom, I was going to the bedroom to tell him supper was done, once I walked in, I found him in a secret stash I had hidden by the dresser, I didn't think he would find it" I paused looking over to Alec, he was leaning so his elbows are on his thighs looking at the floor with his fist clenched along with his jaw. I walked around the table, walking in front of him kneeling down in front of him, not really caring if they saw the red smack marks on my butt from our fun earlier, I took his hand in my hands and asked lowly, 

S--"I am fine Alec; would you like me to stop my story daddy?" I whispered daddy so nobody could hear me, he looked up at me and he said, 

A--"No niña, continue your story, it just pisses me off, don't worry about me. Also, they are all looking at your spank marks" I turned and seen that they were all looking at my butt, 

E--"You hit my sister?" he asked in an angry voice, 

S--"Yes he did" I stood up and turned to look at him, I seen that he was looking at me confused, 

S--"Can I sit on your lap, daddy?" I said in my regular speaking voice not caring anymore, I need to be in subspace right now, 

A--"Yes Hermosa, come and sit" I sat on his lap but hiss from the contact, 

A--"are you still sore?"

S--"Yeah but it is fine" I look up and I saw everybody's shocked I sigh and continue, 

S--"He found my submissive toys"

E--"Submissive? You're a submissive?" I nodded, 

S--"Yes you know that Alec is a dominate and I wouldn't be with him unless I liked that stuff, now I am going to continue my story. At this point I had just started to buy the stuff for myself, I was very new, I had never had a dominate before, so I didn't know how to go about asking him to try some stuff out, well he got mad and started saying stuff or asking me stuff like, you're sick, why do you like this, nobody will ever love me because I like something different than vanilla sex. After cooling off for a little but he came back in the bedroom and started to use some stuff on me, and he wasn't the nicest to me, he left me chained to the bed covered in welts, burns, and cuts. The person that found me was Asher because I hadn't showed up to work in a couple of days" I stood up and showed them my body saying, 

S--"That is why I am showing you my body, see these fucking scars, they are from somebody that treated me bad, and now that I have somebody that actually wants to take care of me in all aspects you went and tried to ruin it, so thank you for the hurtful comments" I picked up my clothes and started off to Alec's room, 

A--"Hermosa come here, we have to figure this out" I shook my head and kept walking, he said once again, 

A--"Skyler come here right now" he used his Dom voice on me, and I instantly stopped and turned walking back to the couch and sit down on the couch beside Alec, 

A--"Good girl, now Evan do you have anything to say" I heard him sigh, while I put my clothes back on, 

E--"I am sorry sis, if I knew all of that I would have understood, I am a Dominant also, so I understand, I am really sorry for saying the stuff I did, to both of you" I nodded then looked over to Alec wanting to leave,

A--"You can go ahead and go, but niña you and Gabby have to go get ready for the club" I looked at the clock and seen that it took most of the day to have that conversation, I sighed and nodded getting up and walking to the stairs, I didn't wait on Gabby because I heard her footsteps behind me. Once up in mine and Alec's room and in the closet, I sighed thinking to myself that I should probably get to work. 

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