The Past

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I started to wake up and I felt something slightly move under me, so I open my eyes and to my surprise there was a chest in my vision, I then remembered that I was now living with Alec, I tried to get up, but he stopped me with his arm forcing me back down, 

A--"Hermosa calm down, lay back down" this was the second time I have woken up on his chest, 

S--"I am sorry for sleeping on you again" I said calming down a little bit, 

A--"Hermosa, Si me saliera con la mía, te tendría aquí en todos los sentidos." I looked up at him like he was crazy, you could hear the lust in his voice, but I have no clue of what he said.  (Translation- Beautiful, If I had my way, I would have you here in every way") 

A--"You said you would explain to me this morning"

S--"You don't forget anything do you?" 

A--"No, now explain" I sigh and go to sit up, but he just kept me against him, so I laid my head flat against his chest once again and started, 

S--"Do you remember a few weeks ago I told a story?"

A--"Yes" I cleared my throat, 

S--"Can I please sit up?" he sighed, and he said, 

A--"Yes but don't move to far" I felt my heart speed up, once I sat up, he looked at my face, 

A--"You have a slight bruise, and a busted lip, thankfully you weren't hurt to bad last night"

S--"The day my ex-boyfriend came he found my Sub equipment that I just started to buy for myself without anybody knowing it, he started being mean to me not like a Dom I read about in all different types of things, he kept calling me sick, asking me 'why do you like shit like that', telling me that nobody would ever love me because of the lifestyle I chose" I looked down at my hands and said, 

S--"He tried to use some on me, he the handcuffed me to the bed leaving me tied to the bed covered in welts, cuts, burns. The person that found me was Asher, that's why we are so close now and he doesn't judge me by how I want to live" 

A--"That son of a bitch" I looked up and seen that he had his eyes closed, jaw clenched, as well as his fist, 

S--"I-I" I didn't know what to do in this kind of situation, he opened his eyes and looked at me with a kinder face on,

A--"I am sorry Hermosa, go ahead and tell me about your next and actual dominate that you had" I look back down at my hands that are currently laying on my lap and whispered, 


A--"I couldn't hear you Hermosa can you say it louder for me?" 


A--"So you have never had an actual dominate?" I could hear the surprise in his voice, 

S--"No not really, I have been to a BDSM club once, but it wasn't my scene" I realized my wording, so I looked up and corrected myself,

S--"Wait let me correct myself, I like being a submissive, but I don't like being that public about it, do you know what I mean, I don't even know what I mean, I-" he stopped my rant by pulling me closer,  

A--"Hermosa, calm down, can I take you somewhere today? Just the two of us" I nodded my head and he nodded while saying, 

S--"Go take a shower and do everything you need to do in there" I nodded saying, 

S--"Okay what kind of clothes should I wear?"

A--"Casual, but cute" I nodded and went into the closet and picked out; a cardigan, a tank top, black leggings, and a pair of heels to go with it.

After a quick shower, I blow dry my hair, and thankfully my curls laid perfectly so I don't have to straighten my hair before we go, I put little makeup on such as eyeliner, mascara, and lip-gloss

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

After a quick shower, I blow dry my hair, and thankfully my curls laid perfectly so I don't have to straighten my hair before we go, I put little makeup on such as eyeliner, mascara, and lip-gloss. I walk out of the bathroom, and I see Alec leaning against the wall looking at me, 

A--"Te ves deslumbrante" I smile and say, (Translation- You look ravishing)

S--"I really hope that is good"

A--"Trust me it is" I smile at that and walk to the door about to open it, but I remember the rule of this house and I stop and lower my hand, 

A--"Good girl" he whispered right beside my ear which caused me to shiver, he opened up the door for me, we walk out of the room and start walking down the stairs, that was until I heard moans coming from the door right by the stairs, 

S--"I am going to be sick" I heard Alec laugh, I looked at him in amazement, thinking to myself I would love to continue to be the one that makes him laugh bit I quickly shut that thought down and finish walking the rest of the way to the bottom of the staircase. Once we made it out of the house and to the garage, we were finally on our way to wherever he was taking me. About 15 minutes of driving, we were on the other side of town at a nice restaurant, 

S--"Why didn't you tell me we were going to a restaurant I would have dressed a little better than I did" he shook his head and got out of the car helping me out of the car, 

A--"I don't care what you look like Hermosa, in my opinion you look great"

S--"If you say so" we walked in, and I saw that there were people in fancy dresses, pant suits, pencil skirts, but I decided for once to ignore the stares and judging eyes because I can't just go home and change what I am wearing. We were seated at a table, and he said while looking over the menu, 

A--"I had to come check up on my restaurant, but I wanted to get you something nice to eat" 

S--"Thank you"

A--"Your welcome, and I would recommend the platter, I am not telling you what to get but it's the best thing in my opinion" I nod my head going along with him, 

S--"That is what I will have then, I have never been here before, so I don't know what is good"

A--"You've never been here before? It is the top pick in the city"

S--"Never had the money" it was quiet for a second then he asked me, 

A--"So I know about your family, I know about your ex, I know your brother, tell me more about yourself" I thought about it before saying, 

S--"Umm, I like reading, I like cooking, I write on my spare time, which is very limited, what about you?" this went on and on throughout breakfast, we got to know each other, before we knew it, it was lunch time and he got called into work, which was code for mafia stuff, but I don't mind I had a really good time

The Mafia's PossessionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ