It's Been Too Long 18+

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It was two days after our little at home date night and we are currently having another one since I had a rough day today. Today my parents texted me saying that they will be here tomorrow to have dinner at my home, yes, my home, they said they wanted to see how bad I am living since I am not worth living in a nice home, and maybe they are right. I sighed looking at the tv but not really watching the movie,

A--"Gatito please quite thinking about it, I told you we will handle it in the morning"

 S--"Alec I don't even know if they kept my apartment for me what am I going to do?"

A--"You are not going back to that rundown place" I knew not to argue with him when he was speaking in his Dom voice, 

S--"Then where am I going to meet them?"

A--"The place you live at, here" 

S--"I can't do that" 

A--"And why not?" 

S--"I can't because people don't truly know how they treat me ever since my brother left" 

A--"That's more of a reason to"

S--"No" it all happened so fast, he flipped me on my stomach, 

A--"Ass in the air and face on the bed do you understand?" I nodded and did what he said quickly, I felt a stinging sensation on my ass which caused me to yelp, 

A--"Words Skyler" I know he was mad at me because he said my name which he rarely does, 

S--"Yes, daddy" 

A--"Much better" he smacked my ass hard this time,

A--"Count and say thank you after each one, you are receiving 10 for saying no to showing your family that you are worth this mansion that is around you" really, I don't but I won't being telling him that right now. He brought his hand down on my ass cheek, 

S--"1, thank you sir" he landed another one but on the left cheek instead, 

S--"Ohhh, 2, thank you sir" I loved being spanked by him, he was so rough but gentle at the same time. This continued till he reached 10 and by that time there was a waterfall coming out of my pussy, he stuck 3 fingers at once, I moaned because he is in one of his rough moods and I love it. 

A--"If I am to rough tonight say your safe word" 

S--"Daddy I don't think we have one but if we do, I am sorry I don't remember"

A--"Does red work?" 

S--"Yes daddy" he took his fingers out of me as soon as I started moaning, I wined from the pleasurable loss, he smacked me when I wined which made me moan, he got off the bed and grabbed something from his sex drawer then came back getting behind me once again. 

He licked me from the tip of my pussy to my ass, I am so glad I took as shower before the movie started. I must have been not paying attention because before I knew it, I was moaning out loudly in pleasure that he was giving me by pushing something cold in my ass, 

A--"Relax or it will hurt soon" 

S--"What is it?" he didn't say anything, he pulled it out of me causing me to arch my back, he showed it to me, I gasped in shock 

S--"You're going to be putting it all in me?" it was a long butt plug, it was clear like glass, it had all kind of different shapes to it, I moaned just thinking of it being put in me, 

A--"Yes then I am going to fuck you hard, do you understand" he groaned while ribbing my ass with his big hands, 

S--"Yes daddy" he started pushing it back in me, by the end of it I was a moaning mess. He didn't give me any time to calm down a bit he shoved his dick straight in my iterance hard and fast, I yelped, 

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