Hang Out Time

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Me and Alec walked into the house together and I saw Gabby, Dominic, and Evan on the couch with Asher on his lap, I am so happy for them to find each other and before I could stop it jealousy blossomed, but I quickly shut it down, 

A--"Are you okay Hermosa?" 

S--"Yeah I am fine" I look at him and then back to the couple, I cleared my throat then went and sat down on the loveseat by Gabby, I felt everybody looking at me, so I looked up, 


A--"Why didn't you call me earlier?"

S--"Are you talking about last night?" 

A--"Yes, your face looks...."

S--"Terrible, ugly, swollen, I know I should have gone with my gut last night and got back in my car when I felt like somebody was watching me, but I didn't and this is my fault not anybody else's, and just think if this didn't happen" I pointed to my face, while saying, 

S--"You wouldn't be sitting on my brothers lap, oh and by the way, is your room soundproof?"

E--"Yes why?"

S--"Damn you were loud" I saw Asher's face get bright red, I chuckled at that as well as everybody else did, 

S--"Whose all working today?" I asked Alec looking up at him since he was standing beside me, 

A--"Me, Evan, and Dominic" 

G--"I get the day off?"

A--"Yep, I thought since you actually like Skyler now, you could hangout little bit, is that alright with you?" 

G--"Yep we are going shopping" my smile dropped I have no money yet, I hurriedly hide my frown, 

S--"How about we hangout here?"

G--"No, we are going shopping and that is it, Asher do you want to come" 

A--"Yes!" he hopped up from Evan's lap but winces, me and Gabby burst out laughing knowing why he is wincing, 

A--"Shut up it's not funny" that made Evan laugh, he sighs and walks up to the door saying, 

A--"When you bitches are ready meet me outside" Gabby ran to the door with her purse, I slowly stand up and grab my purse even if there isn't anything in it and was about to make my journey to the mall with my friends when Alec stopped me, 

A--"Evan can you give us a moment?" he nodded and headed out of the house looking at me worried, 

A--"I want you to take this, until I can get yours set up" I saw a shiny black card in his hand, I shook my head, 

S--"No you have already paid for my food, and let me stay here rent free"

A--"Skyler take it" I know he is being serious by his tone in voice, and that he used my real name, and he doesn't ever say my real name, I mean it does sound nice coming from him, I shook that from my thoughts and grabbed the card saying, 

S--"Thank you" with that I walk out of the house not planning on using it, I got in the backseat of the car Gabby was driving since Asher was sitting in the front of course. When we finally got to the mall we got out and we were walking into the building when Gabby asked,

G--"Do you guys have a black card?"

A--"Yes, Evan gave me his" 

G--"Did Alec give you his?" 

S--"Yes he did but I will not be using it"

G--"He will be pissed at you; you should at least get a few things" I thought about it 

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