Business and Pleasure Pt. 1

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We were in the car, and it was pulling up to a restaurant and I notice that it is a 5-star restaurant, I look down in my dress not really wanting to walk in there with what I am wearing. My attention is pulled to Alec when he starts talking to me, 

A--"What is wrong Hermosa" 

S--"Nothing" I looked at the classy, dressed girl, he then said in his dominate voice, 

A--"Tell me now, and don't forget I don't like repeating myself" I sighed and looked up at him not really wanting a punishment right now. 

S--"I don't think I am wearing an appropriate dress for this restaurant" I looked at yet another couple and seen what they were wearing  

A--"Skyler do you think I care what you are wearing, I think you look beautiful in what you are wearing, and my sweet girl hasn't eaten all day, it's also been a stressful day so let's get you something good to eat and then let's go to the club, alright?" I nodded knowing if I back talk, I will be over his lap in no time, Alec got out of the car when we got to the valet while I waited for him to open the door for me, once I stepped out of the car, I felt people's eyes on me, so I lowered my head down in subspace, I let Alec lead me in with his arm around me.

Once we were in the restaurant we waited for the rest of the group by the door, and I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack. I finally got the courage to look up and I saw almost everybody looking at me with their judging looks, I sigh and put my head back down tugging at my dress to pull it down a little, but I immediately stop when I heard Alec say,

A--"Stop fidgeting, you look great hermosa"

S--"I don't feel great" I whisper to myself,

A--"What was that?"

S--"Nothing daddy" I felt his grip tighten on me, but thankful for our friends coming in, I seen Asher and Evan walking in first which Asher still looked mad at him, then Gabby and Dominic, by the way she was walking and the way he was blushing I think they had the talk, I smiled but looked back down at my feet,

A--"Skyler why do you have your head down?"

S--No reason daddy"

A--"Skyler. Look. At. Me. Right. Now" I raised my head to look at him and seen the stern look he was giving me, then I let them travel to the people in the restaurant and sigh,

S--"I'm sorry I slipped in subspace, it won't happen in public again sir" I looked away from him trying to snap out of it but for some reason I couldn't get out of it, I shook my head trying to rid it once again but was left disappointed once again, I was brought out of my thoughts by being brought into Alec's side and I slowly relaxed into him,

A--"Are you okay to stay?"

S--"Yes daddy, shit I'm sorry it just keeps coming out" he sighs and rubs up and down my back,

E--"Is she okay?"

A--"Yeah she just thinks she looks bad for this place"

E--"You look fine sis" I was still a little mad at him, so I didn't look up,

A--"Skyler please say thank you to your brother, I know your still mad at him but you should still reply" I look up at him and say a quick and quiet thank you, we then walked up to the girl that was working tonight and as soon as she seen us she stood taller and pushed out her breast like she had any, I sigh when I caught on to who she was looking at, I pulled away from Alec and stood straight trying to get back into my regular state, I sighed when it wasn't happening I stepped back by Gabby and smiled at her, she looked at me confused, I just looked back down at my feet until we started to walk after the waitress, we got to a big table and everybody sat down at their seats, I was left with a seat right by Alec and my brother, I sit down and lower my head thinking what the hell is wrong with me today? Everybody was ordering while I couldn't decide,

A--"Have you decided yet?" Alec asked me while Gabby and Dominic ordered, I shook my head no,

A--"Well did you like the spaghetti I ordered for you last time, at the other restaurant?"

S--"Yes but if you want me to be slightly good looking still, I better just get a salad"

A--"Hermosa you look beyond beautiful trust me, I wouldn't be here if I didn't think so, now please get whatever you like" I sigh knowing he is right, I looked back down at the menu and said,

S--"Can you order I can't decide" he nodded then said something to the waiter. While we were waiting on our food, she brought out our drinks then walked away while swaying her hips sighing then looked over at Alec to only see him looking at me confused, then recognition came to his face, he leaned over and said,

A--"Is my sweet girl thinking that I like the waitress" I hesitated but then thought to myself, why lie? So, I nodded my head saying,

S--"Yes" I looked around and seen the women pacing out our plates of food to the right people, she finally placed mine in front of me and seen the spaghetti with meatballs and I heard my stomach growl, I heard the waitress say under her breath,

Waitress--"How uncouth"

S--"Sorry" I said,

A--"Hermosa no need to apologize for being hungry, and as for you, what is your name?"


A--"Well Sasha you may leave your shift early, and please don't come back, as you're not welcome here anymore"

Waitress--"You can't do that"

E--"Actually he can, I own this place, and also the girl you just called uncouth is my sister, so please kindly get your shit and leave or I will have you taken out by my security guards" she pouted then stormed away,

A--"Finally now that, that is delt with, eat your dinner so we can get to the club and get our business over with so we can get you out on that dance floor and dance with your man" I nodded with a smile and I looked down at my food then started to eat, thinking this is really delicious and I am glad he picked it, also for helping me through my tough spell at the restaurant, 

A--"Are you better now?" he asked me I nodded while smiling at him, 

S--"Yes much better thank you" he smirked then grabbed my hand as we watched our friends talk while they finished their dinner before we head to the club. 

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