Chapter 31: Taking things slow

Start from the beginning

Gunther's mouth opened partially, a swift flow of air leaving his mouth as a stutter, "I- but- who? I thought you were-"

Cutting him off was none other then the stoic captain himself, "Gunther."

The shy man quickly stopped his words from rolling out any further, turning to look at his superior.

As if trying to come up with a reason for grabbing his attention, Levi had paused for a moment before continuing, "Come help me with something."

Gunther glanced back at (Y/n) uncomfortably, quickly stopping himself from continuing the topic any further, turning his horse and walking to his captain for further instruction.

As the man walked away, the young girls eyes latched onto Levi's, his narrow stern glance softening just enough for her to notice. A soft smile appeared on her lips, hardly noticeable but silently thanking him, quickly fading as his attention switched to Gunther, naming some random task for him to complete.

With a soft sigh, the girl went back to her previous activity of running her eyes over the delicate nature around her, her mind running through all sorts of things. 

Time skip, back at HQ.

The girl lifted the relatively light saddle up and onto its stand, setting the girth on top as well as the pad, upside down to cool. The soft jingle of the metal clasps rung through her ears, the brown leather shining in the orange light of the disappearing sun. Soft gusts of wind blew through the barn, just enough to push through the metal bars of the horses doors and chill her skin, sending a wave of goosebumps along her arm.

Reaching over to a large bag resting plumply on the floor, she listened to the crinkle of plastic as she dove her hand into its material, searching around before grabbing onto the orange rough skin of a carrot, pulling it out from the bag. Breaking the treat into two, she handed the first half to her equine, the mare happily crunching on the carrot.

After the horse revived its second bite, the girl quickly rubbed her hand on her already stained pants, rubbing off the slight drool from her mare.

Walking to the stall right beside hers, she leaned her arms onto the cold metal of the stall door, dipping her head into the small room, her eyes catching onto her finger friend.

"Almost done?" She asked, smiling as Cora jumped slightly, not expecting her presence.

"Yeah! Just gimme like two minutes." She replied, tugging the large blanket onto her horse and buckling up to straps. Her gelding happily munched on the hay in front of him, uninterested in the people surrounding him.

"Take your time." (Y/n) spoke calmly, watching her friend move quickly.

As she watched Cora strap the sheet together, a low voice approached her from her right, "(Y/n)."

The young girl felt a butterfly enter her stomach, it's wings ticking her stomach in the best way possible, loving the way her name rolled so easily off her Captains tongue.

Quickly looking her to the man, her elbows still rested on the cool metal, her hands hanging towards the inside of the stall.

"Once your done here, my office." His voice spoke deeply, moving around the girl and walking away.

She turned her head so she could watch him walk out, not having even given her the chance to reply, her eyes studying the way he moved.

As her head moved back towards her friend, she was caught off guard to be meet with those emerald green orbs. The ginger wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, her elbow propped up on her horses hind end as she stood in an expressive position.

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