Chapter Twenty - Nine

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Hibaaq would constantly remind herself she too had a life to live, things to accomplish and things to look forward to, but for the last couple of weeks she had been pathetic. She wallowed in her sadness during her meals, the moment before she slept and the moment after she woke up. She didn't know how she managed to get through her finals in her state of dejection, though by Allah's grace she hadn't failed them like she failed herself.

July graciously rolled in carrying sweltering heat, but there was joy in the air, and everyone's moods instantaneously brightened. It was the first of July. The first of July marked Somalia's independence from British and Italian occupation, although it had only been eight years since then, the people never failed to rejoice every year. The streets of Xamar weyne flooded with its citizens, laughing, beaming and cheering on all the bands of the military, crossing through the main roads in their professional attires; trailing between enormous military tanks as they saluted their people. The president himself would seldom come out onto a grand stage in the heart of the capital and deliver a mighty speech, renewing the hope and inspiration in the people's hearts. It was truly a wonderful day.

Layla woke up extra early just for it. She ran up the street leading to the Cali residence and stormed past an startled Xalimo by the front door upon opening it. She demanded Hibaaq to get up as she towered over her stirring frame. Layla was clad in blue and white, waving a little Somali flag in front of Hibaaq's groggy face.

"Wake up or else we'll miss the parade!" She urged, pulling on a wayward arm that shot out of the thin covers. Hibaaq desperately groaned, burying her face in her pillows and willing herself to feel sleepy again, even though Layla was insistently rocking her body from side to side.

"Layla please, maybe next time, I don't feel like getting up just yet," Hibaaq mumbled, her voice obstructed by her pillow.

"Uhn uh, no, you don't feel like getting up ever these days. Each time I come by you're in bed laying like how you are now. I'm worried! So get up and get dressed we are going to watch the parade." Layla insisted, her fist resting on her hip as she impatiently tapped her foot on the floor. Hibaaq stayed still in her position for a long minute, but when there was no indication of Layla walking away, she lifted her head up with a defeated grunt. Layla gave her a satisfied smile. "Great that's the first step. Then I'll be waiting downstairs," She walked through the open door, sooner she popped her head back in to strictly remind Hibaaq to stick to the dress code.

Hibaaq breathed in deeply as she stood up. She trudged her way out of her bedroom, hoping a splash of cold water could rid the fatigue from her face. Though her bones felt well rested, her heart was an entirely different story. A few minutes later, Hibaaq seated herself on her vanity chair, brushing through the thick and unruly coils of her hair as she sadly reminisced about her younger carefree self. She would always be so excited to watch the parade and be apart of the buzzing crowd to salute - after Allah - her nation's protectors, though presently she couldn't feel or arouse the feelings of joy from her past self. She hated the way she was. She hated the way she couldn't simply move on with her life when she knew Ercole was probably doing splendid in his.

It wasn't long before she emerged from her bedroom dressed in a pretty blue and white summer dress with a white hijab wrapped gracefully around her head. Since her grandmother hadn't bothered her about applying makeup again, Hibaaq allowed herself to apply the smallest amounts. Adding a pink blush to the raised apples of her cheeks, and a little to her round lips.

"Beautiful, you look absolutely beautiful and even more if you would just smile," Layla remarked, standing in the middle of the foyer. She made her way over to the bottom of the staircase to embrace her best friend before she pulled away to gently pull the skin on the sides of her cheeks upward. Hibaaq softly chortled, causing an entertained smile to adorn her face. "Perfect, let's go."

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