✨The sucky outdoors✨

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"Campers todays challenge will challenge your outdoor survival skills, I'm not gonna lie to you some of you may not come back alive." Wow Chris great start to the day you thought, not only had you stayed up last night but you were woken up early by Courtney because and you quote 'you looked like you were going to sleep in so I made sure you didn't' her exact words come on. "All you have to do is spend one night in the woods everything you need is at the team's campsite in the forest you just have to find it" Chris then picked up a backpack and threw a map and compass in the general direction of the teams, Courtney took the map away from Duncan, fair enough you wouldn't trust him either, the compass then hit you on the head and landed in your lap, Courtney took that too, you turned around and gave her the puppy dog eyes, "y/n no you can't have the compass I don't trust you or anyone else with it, I was a CIT I know what I'm doing" she said, "I was a scout tho come onnnn lemme hold the compass pleeaaasseee" you say holding your hands out to receive  the compass spoiler, you didn't get it and the answer was still no because a scout 'isn't the same' as a CIT, you were told to look out for bears but you knew your team didn't have to worry about them,an air horn went off and slowly everyone started walking towards the forest but not before izzy told the tale of how she saw a bear and it was in the garbage and had old spaghetti around it's face that looked like blood and guts and that she thought it was the neighbours cat but turns out he was just lost for a week.

Walking,walking, ughhhhh "can we rest yet??" You ask from the back of the group, without even turning around you got the response, "what'a the matter feisty? Can't walk for five minutes??" Duncan, ohhhh how you hated him, "no I can I just can't be asked to this morning" you say catching up to the front, "afternoon" said Courtney still looking at the map, "it's the afternoon already?! Can we rest then you said at noon we would pleeeaaasseeee I'm begging" you said "fine you can rest y/n just be sure to catch up once you've done" she said, "your not-your not stopping with me?" You ask, you got no response as they all just kept walking, fine you know what you didn't need them, sitting down on a log you watched as they all walked on. And then they were gone. No big deal you knew where they were going and maybe you could find food on they way. Won't they be surprised to see you alive yes they will. And you waited and waited and eventually you got bored so you started walking again, admittedly the forest was spooky when your alone and the sun was going down but nature can't stop you no one can! You fall over. "Ouch! Who puts a tree root in THE MIDDLE OF THE PATH??" You say standing up and kicking the root "stupid root! Stupid team! Stupid forest, stupid-stupid-stupid!!" You ran out of things to call stupid and continue to walk.

Eventually you spot a campfire in the distance and you start running. Everyone was huddled behind DJ listening to what ever Duncan was saying and being clearly terrified, and with the sudden sound of you running right at them they all picked up a stick or rock to defend themselves, "BOO!" you tell jumping towards the group, the majority screamed and they all threw the chosen weapon at you, "OW HEY! Okay okay it's me ITS ME!" you should've seen that coming, one last pebble was thrown at you, you let out a disgruntled grumble as you look at Duncan who had thrown the pebble, "what?" He asked putting on an innocent face, "Y/N?! WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!" Great lecture time whoop whoop, "Y/N ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?" Courtney was still screaming at you "well it's your fault youuuu left me behind" you say booping her nose, "ughhh y/n you chose to sit down now just sit down by the campfire or I swear to god" suddenly a wolfs howl could be heard in the distance and Courtney jumped towards Duncan, his face said it all, ew, love. You wish you were with the gophers cuz they were having a lot of fun in that tree right now.

You were all trying to to sleep in the tent you had been provided, key word trying because it would be a lot easier if Bridgette would stop fidgeting right next to you. She then sat up, "what's wrong gotta go pee?" DJ asked, "yeh but I'm to scared to leave the tent" she responded to which DJ holds up a jar and says "yeh me too", "DJ, that's kinda gross not gonna lie" you say also sitting up "oh my god y/n go to sleep" Courtney says, "why don't you tell them to go to sleep?huh? It's not just me" you got no response other than being dragged down onto the floor as Bridgette left the tent. Next thing you knew you had no tent. Once everyone was over the shock, "THATS GREAT BRIDGETTE JUST GREAT NOW WE HAVE NO WHERE TO SLEEP!" At least you weren't being lectured by Courtney for once "yo drama queen! Relax, it's cool." Duncan says that is not gonna work guy trust the person she lectures most, "cool? It's cool, THINGS COULD NOT POSSIBLY GET WORSE!" Courtney yells and as if by magic it starts to rain, "I wanna go back to the stinky cabinssssss" you say "same dude then I wouldn't have to deal with THE BOTH OF YOU!" Duncan yelled which surprised you because you'd never heard him raise his voice before, at least Sadie and Katie get a cave you thought lucky them. You all then sat under a leaf that DJ was holding and tried to get some sleep.

It was morning and you woke up slightly dazed and confused, even more confused because Courtney wasn't yelling in your ear like she normally does, you try to sit up but you notice that someone is cuddling you,oh boy it's Courtney isn't it you think to yourself, you opened your eyes and there she was, she did a lil head nuzzle into you and opened one of her eyes. Her face turned a deep red when she saw who she was snuggling, "good morning court" you say smiling because you had no idea how she would react to this, "oh my gosh, y/n,ew why where you cuddling me?" Oh wow really? Okay then "I wasn't last time I checked you were snuggling into me now can you get off I wanna sit up" you say her face somehow turning even more red. She quickly got off you and everyone else woke up and then you were running all of your teammates were running and so were you, it was way to early but what the heck why not, you were just behind Courtney who was at the front, and there it was, the campfire pit, never in your life had you been so great full to see the run down little camp, "oh no! They beat us here! This is all you're fault" Heather said pushing Owen which has gotta take some strength, Chris points out how Katie and Sadie were missing and the whole team agreed that they were probably dead, and then they showed up, and started telling the whole story and started hugging, and there goes Courtney with the lecture. "Alright killer bass one of your fishy buts is going home! Gophers, your going on a all expense paid trip to! The tuck shop!" The gophers all started running towards the tuck shop, "we, lost out. On. THE TUCK SHOP?!" You say everyone left at the campfire area looked at you some looked a bit scared others just surprised, "all those EDIBLE snacks, all those sweet treats, THATS WHAT WE LOST OUT ON?!" You practically scream as you lunge towards Katie and Sadie, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" You yell while being held back by the rest of your team, it was at this moment Katie and Sadie knew, one of them was going home.

You were sitting on the steps to your cabin watching as the gophers all ate their snacks and sat in their hot tub, they got all the good stuff you thought while frowning. You wanted to join but it was their reward,they got to go to that beautiful tuck shop and get the good stuff not you. Honestly you were about to cry over food just then when, "y/n do you- do you wanna join?" You heard someone say, you quickly lifted your head up and stared at the gophers and nodded frantically, "oh my god if your gonna join then join but stop looking like a sad puppy it's ruining the party" heather said, you smiled probably one of the biggest smiles you've ever done and ran to get your swimsuit, a few seconds later you were in the hot tub with the majority of the gophers and even better, you got to eat chocodiles and even some of heathers crisps that she wouldn't give to anyone else. Again you felt as if you were gonna cry, happy tears tho, happy tears. Tuck shop food >:3

It was now the elimination ceremony and Chris did his whole explaining thing for the sixth time this season you knew who was going and you didn't wanna be here you wanted to go to bed, a marshmallow hit you on the head and you ate it instantly, Katie went home and there was a whole big deal made by the pair of them. You'd already gotten up and were walking towards the cabin because this was just to much and you wanted to sleep. You were just chillin in the cabin when you hear a scream from outside, you open the door to see Duncan with that god damn hook again and Courtney looking very annoyed, "ugh! I hate you!" She said walking away, "she so doesn't hate me" Duncan said putting his hands behind his back and stabbing himself with the hook, you snatched the hook from his hand, "wh-HEY give that back" he said, "Nu uh" you said sticking out your tongue and holding the hook above your head, being the tallest girl really did help in some situations, "you are so annoying" he said "yeh funnily enough so are you, and the way that your going your going to be giving the team nightmares for the rest of the week so I suggest we put the hook away" you said walking into the cabin with the hook and putting it in the singular draw you were given. You were given an angry glare from Duncan and you again stuck your tongue out at him while crossing your eyes, "you are so childish" he said walking away, "awwwww thank you" you said, he gave you the middle finger while he walked off to probably graffiti the bathrooms. 

Yayyyy new chapter finally :3, hope you guys enjoy it I actually had a bit of fun writing it so Yee, I guess this can be your Easter present from me and if you don't celebrate Easter then, it's a normal day but you get a present anyway cuz I said so <3. I swear I will start including heather more and I really wanna so it shall, considering she's the main love interest and she and y/n have barely interacted tho ^^; I'm working on it I promise! Anyway have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter <3. ——— Remi✨✨

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