12 - Grocery Shopping

864 58 27

Day - 4




No response. 

“Jungkoook.” This time Eunji got the courage to poke his arm as she leaned over him, her still wet hair hanging past her shoulders. 

Still nothing. 

God, this guy slept like a rock in hibernation. And they don’t even hibernate! Which only proved her point. 

“Jungkookkkkk” she poked his cheek repeatedly until he finally let out a groan, turning his head to the other side. 

Eunji scoffed in annoyance. 

So if she was here dying, this guy wouldn’t hear a thing. 

That truly made her feel safe. 

“Jeon Jungkook!”

The said man jumped in his spot with wide eyes, startled by his wife whose patience had run low. 

Seeing that it was only her, and that the house wasn’t burning down, he groaned and shut his eyes. 

“What do you want?” he grumbled, his voice an octave lower due to the very recent disturbance of his wonderful sleep.

“You said you would come with me.” Eunji had straightened up now, crossing her arms as she watched him from the bedside. 

“Why now?” he mumbled into the pillow and Eunji rolled her eyes. 

“Because I still need to clean the house and prepare dinner. They’re coming around five and I want everything ready.”

Another annoyed groan left her husband's lips as he stuffed his face further into the pillow. 

Eunji huffed, and turned around to walk back into the bathroom to dry her hair. 

“I’m giving you five minutes. If you’re not up by then I’m calling your secretary and telling her you won’t be coming in today.”

Jungkook rolled over onto his back, draping an arm over his eyes with annoyance written all over his face. 

No wonder men didn’t live so long. At this rate he would soon be voluntarily digging his own grave too.


“Can you grab the gochujang right there?” Eunji asked over her shoulder while looking through the shelf of noodles to find the type she wanted. 

Jungkook, once again disturbed from his spot where he was left hunched over the shopping cart, stood up straight to grab the said product next to him. He placed it into the cart just as Eunji piled in packs of noodles. 

“Do we really need that many?” 

“Have you seen how much you eat?” she fired back before turning on her heel and continuing down the aisle. 

Huffing and going back to hunching over the cart, he pushed it with him to follow his wife. 

“Today’s task was actually to go shopping, but since Iseul and Yuna are coming tonight and we have nothing at home, I thought grocery shopping would be better." 

Jungkook turned his gaze to the bowls of ramen they passed by, tossing his favourite flavour in. 

"I told you to get a new pair of leggings didn't I?" 

Eunji came to an immediate stop, Jungkook almost crashing into her with the cart. She whirled around to him, her hands covering her backside. 

"You can see through this one too?" 

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