6 - Married a Psycho

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"What are you doing?"

Eunji blinked rapidly, her mind being brought back to the present and eyes slowly rising to meet ebony eyes staring at her with a raised brow by the now open door.

It was the same face that kissed her lustfully in her imagination just moments ago.

"What?" She asked, still startled.

"You've been standing in front of the door for the past 5 minutes." Jungkook spoke while staring down at his confused partner.

"I have?" She gulped, a red hue rising in her cheeks. "H-how do you-"

"I could see your dress from underneath the door." he answered her question before she could finish as he moved back into their room, referring to the piece of fabric from her long gown that had slipped under the door crack.

"Are you coming in?" He now stood in the middle of their room as Eunji continued to stand frozen by the door frame. It was then when she noticed that he was fully changed into a pair of sweats and a long grey t-shirt.

Pushing past her thoughts from her previous day dream, she finally spoke.

"Um, yeah."

She slowly walked in, admiring their room just like the first time as Jungkook took a seat on their armchair by the fireplace, turning on his phone and scrolling through it.

Knowing that nothing like what she was daydreaming about moments ago would actually happen, she began walking towards her walk-in closet to grab a few clothes and shower. She had to clear her mind and distract herself from the embarrassment, and the shower was the perfect place to start.


Eunji couldn't take her eyes off of her reflection that stared back at her in the bathroom mirror which extended along the entire bathroom counter. Although she was simply standing across from the mirror, there was one thing that she was certain of.

She looked hot.

For the first time in her life she truly felt sexy, thanks to the red lingerie that covered her body.

Well that bit that it did at least.

Eunji decided that she would take Iseul's advice and wear the lingerie although she wasn't planning for anything special with it. She simply wanted to feel good about herself, and so far it was definitely working and so she would keep it on.

Underneath her silk pj's of course.

Putting on her matching grey silk button-up and shorts set, she eventually found the courage to walk out the bathroom and see what her partner was up to during her absence. She gazed across the room to find Jungkook typing away on his laptop while leaning against the headboard of the bed.

With a silent deep breath, and trying to calm her nerves, she went to join him on the other side of the bed.

He didn't even glance up. Wow.

Eunji cleared her throat in hopes of catching his attention.

"What are you up to?" She asked as he continued to type.

"Trying to get some work done." he answered, his fingers not faltering.


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