23 - Office Date

997 60 16

Day 15 

"I can't believe she said that!"

"I'm honestly not too surprised anymore," Eunji muttered a reply as her car came to a slow stop at the red light. "Her hatred for me has only been growing."

"I'm sorry," Yuna replies on the other side of the call that connected to Eunji's car speakers. "I really wish I was there."

Eunji leans back against her leather seat, sensing the sadness and disappointment in her sister-in-law's tone after having told her the events of the previous night.

"It's okay, you couldn't have done anything anyway."

"Now you're wrong there girl, but I'm just surprised that my brother handled it well. I would've never expected that from him."

"Me neither,"

And even after spending a night and half her day sleeping on it, she still couldn't get the dots to connect. Jungkook's mother had said so many rude things to her in every setting she could think of - other than her wedding, which she was thankful for - yet he chose that night to finally say something.

It was just odd.

And definitely another day of not having him figured out, which she was just giving up on at that point.

"So what are you up to?" Yuna asks after a short while of comfortable silence as Eunji drives through the familiar streets of Seoul.

"I'm heading to Jungkook's work. I made lunch for us."

"Aw~" Yuna coos into the phone, "I don't get why you would spend a second of effort on making him lunch, but that's just adorable."

"It's for the challenge," Eunji replies, "Otherwise making him lunch would be pointless. I doubt he'll even touch it so I won't leave until he does."

Her sister-in-law laughs on the other end of the call, "Dedicated much?"

"I'm just bored, okay?" she mutters in defense, "I've had nothing to do with my time, so I might as well give it my all while I can."

"All I'm saying is that if you wanted a husband who would reciprocate the effort, you shouldn't have married my brother."

"He's not that bad,"

"Your standards have dropped that low, huh." Eunji hears her tease.

"I mean, the other day he pretty much took care of me while I was dying 'cause of my period."

"He's not a heartless monster, just a jerk in some ways."

"Well I still appreciated it. It was more than I would have expected from him."

"He's still an asshole, though."

"You know if you miss your brother that much, you might as well just call him." Eunji finally calls her out, following it with a light laugh as she drives into the underground parking garage of her husband's company. "I'm sure he misses you too."

"Oh please, the only thing he misses is his work." Yuna grumbles.

"Just call him, alright?" Eunji replies as she parks into an empty spot and turns off her engine "And I gotta go now. I'll text you later so we can make plans."


Both girls say their final goodbyes and end the phone call, Eunji getting out of her car with the bag she had packed their lunch in so that she could head into the building. She walks through the doors and receives greetings from the staff that recognize her, the secretary at the front giving her a keycard for the elevators as usual.

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