Enemies- Bucky (Smut)

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**SMUT WARNING <could be viewed as violent and/or against one's will>**

My day was going great. Well, until...he...walked in the room. I was sitting on the counter in the kitchen talking with Nat and Wanda when we heard Steve and Sam laughing from down the hall. We knew that meant they were back from their morning run.

"Morning ladies," Sam smiled as he and Steve entered into the kitchen.

"Good morning," Steve beamed. The girls and I returned their cheerful good mornings with our own. My smile quickly faded as he walked in. His medium length, dark brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, his icy blue eyes as dead as ever, and his metal arm glistened in the light.

"Morning, Bucky," Nat smiled. Wanda flashed a quick smile at him as she tried not to have coffee spill from her mouth.

"Morning," he replied in his low, raspy voice. Just the sound of his voice set my skin on fire with irritation. There was just something about him that got under my skin and made me burn down to my core with hatred. Our eyes met for a few split seconds before I rolled mine away in disgust. I quickly hopped down from the counter and shoved passed him to leave the room. "What's your problem, doll?" His voice made my skin burn, but him calling me 'doll' made my blood boil.

"What's always my problem, doll?" I sneered before stomping off. I had made it to my bedroom door when I felt the cold sensation of metal fingers wrapping around my right bicep.

"We need to talk," Bucky urged, slightly irritated.

"I've got nothing to say to you," I barked as I opened my door.

"I don't care. We can't keep hating each other and being enemies even though we're on the same team," he said.

"I'll hate you all I want," I snapped.

"Stop acting like a child," he growled.

"Stop pretending like you belong here, you programmable murder machine!" In an instant, some kind of switch within Bucky had flipped due to my comment. His eyes quickly darkened and his metal hand was instantly wrapped around my throat. I gasped in surprise and in need of air as he pushed me into my room and kicked the door shut behind him. His dark, hate filled eyes locked onto mine as his metal digits began to tighten around my throat.

"You know nothing about me. You have no right to say anything of that nature to me," he growled, "I've been through hell and back. I've been brainwashed and tortured and used as a puppet to kill innocent people. You have no idea how awfully I see myself because of what I was forced to do." Air flooded back into my lungs has he released my neck and I sucked in the sweet oxygen that I desperately needed.

"You could've killed me," I coughed.

"But, I didn't, (y/n). I do have control over myself now. I think I've proven that," he growled. He turned to leave and, before I cold register my movements and stop myself, I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"What is it with you?" I asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he glared at me.

"I don't know what it is about you. You irritate me so much that my skin burns in a bad way. But, what you just did... it makes my skin burn in a different way. I still hate it," I breathed. Bucky tilted his head slightly before gripping my neck again with his cold metal hand.

"Something about you bothers me, too. You're just so..." he paused, "easy to hate." I gasped for air as his metal digits tightened around my neck. "But, that makes you even more... interesting." A sly grin formed on his lips as he watched me squirm, trying to breathe. He allowed air to slowly flow back into my body slightly before locking his lips over mine. I squirmed from surprise and irritation as I tried to free myself from his hand around my throat. Majority of me wanted to slug him in the face, but a slim part of me wanted more. He broke away from my lips and moved down to my shoulder. I tried to scream out as I felt Bucky sink his teeth into my skin, but his grip tightened on my neck as soon as he bit down, cutting off my ability to yell. He slowly released my shoulder from his bite and forced me backward by my neck until we reached my bed.

"You're so difficult for me to figure out," he grinned before he pinned me down on my bed by my neck and tore my clothes off with his free hand. "I hate you so much," he hissed, "but, I want you so bad." I fought for air once more, his grip tightening again. My vision began to blur as I started to feel lightheaded. I had tuned out all my surroundings due to this until air burst through to my lungs again. My vision cleared and my head stopped hurting as I sucked in more air. I finally became aware of everything again, feeling cold metal in my hands as I realized I had been clawing at Bucky's hand and seeing that he was now completely naked. A sudden pain rushed over me as Bucky scratched my side with his human hand down to my thigh. I could see the evil grin on his face for  moment as he leaned down and placed his mouth near my ear. "Too stunned to say anything?" he chuckled.

"I... hate... you..." I sputtered.

"Good," he grinned, "you not hating me would make this less fun." I screamed out as Bucky rammed into me a deep as he could go. He tightened his grip just enough to stop my screams and moans as he started to drill into me out of pure lust. My throat burned from my noiseless moans and screams. With no other way to really communicate the surprising amount of pleasure Bucky was giving me, I started to rake my nails down his back. Deep, animalistic growls resonated from Bucky's throat from me scratching him. I dug my nails deeper into his skin as he buried his teeth back into my shoulder. I could feel drool running down my cheek and blood running down my shoulder and his back. He growled again as he ground his teeth a bit and continued to bury himself deep inside of me over and over as an inhuman speed. I felt everything building up inside of me and I couldn't hold it in. My back arched and my nails dug even further into Bucky's back as I came undone. Bucky couldn't contain himself anymore as he growled from the painful pleasure he gained from my scratching and unloaded a huge amount inside of me. He slowly released my shoulder and my neck as he pulled out.

"I... hate... you..." I hoarsely murmured, earning a bloody smile from Bucky.

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