Movie Night- Bucky (Smut)

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Tony came up with a new way to force all of us to spend "quality time" together when we weren't on missions. Every Saturday Tony had everyone gather in the living room and make something like a fort with a bunch of pillows, blankets, and the furniture. While the fort was being built, 2 or 3 people would make a lot of snacks in the kitchen and once the fort was built and the snacks were in the living room we all would watch a movie. Very childish I know, but what do you expect from a group of huge children? Tonight, Steve, Bucky, and I were in charge of making snacks. And by we, I mean I made the snacks while Steve and Bucky giggled like little girls and pelted each other with chips.

"Okay, boys help me carry the food into the living room before you spill it all over the place," I laughed. They laughed along with me as we carried everything into the living room. I went back in the kitchen to grab the sodas from the fridge. I put the sodas on the counter and opened the cabinet behind me to get some plastic cups, but I couldn't reach them on the top shelf of the cabinet.

"Here, doll. Let me get those for you," I heard Bucky say from behind me. I went to move out of his way, but I felt him press up against me as he reached for the cups in the cabinet. My face turned red as I felt my cheeks heat up. "Here you go, doll," he said as he handed me the cups and stepped back. 

"Thanks," I said, trying to hide the redness of my face.

"Anytime." I watched Bucky as he grabbed the sodas and winked at me before going back in the living room. I stood in the kitchen, frozen in place until I heard Tony calling for me to come in the living room so they could start the movie.

"Took you long enough, (y/n)," he laughed as I sat the cups down next to the drinks.

"(y/n), come sit," Nat said. I gladly sat next to Nat, who was sitting in front of Steve. It wasn't until I heard Steve talking to Bucky that I realized I was sitting in front of him. I tensed and bit and Nat noticed, making her laugh. Tony shushed everyone as the movie started.

(time skip brought to you by the Capsicle)

We were half way through the movie when Vision and Wanda went to bed and Nat, Steve, Bucky, and I ran out of nachos. I didn't noticed Nat look back and Steve before she asked, "Hey, Steve, will you help me make some more nachos?"

"Sure." Steve and Nat went into the kitchen, leaving Bucky and I alone and separated from Tony, Clint, Thor, and Loki. I was so into the movie that I hadn't noticed Bucky's arms weave around my stomach until I felt him pull me back towards him. My face began to get warm again as I felt his hot breath on my skin as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Bucky, what are you doing?" I whispered.

"Just getting a little cold," he whispered back, "mind handing me that blanket in front of you?" I nodded and gave him the blanket, only to have him wrap it around both of us. I started to wonder what was taking Nat and Steve so long in the kitchen and then I felt Bucky's lips on my neck. My breath hitched slightly from the sudden contact, making Bucky giggle. "Don't be too loud or everyone will hear," he whispered in my ear before going back to trailing kisses on my neck. After a little bit, I was able to keep my breathing even with Bucky giggling in my ear and kissing my neck and shoulder.

It had been about 15 minutes since Nat and Steve left me with Bucky, so I figured that they were long gone by now. Soon the movie had ended and everyone went to bed, leaving me alone with Bucky. Bucky got up and put in another movie before sitting behind me and wrapping me up in the blanket again. The cold of his metal arm felt nice against my stomach, making my laugh a bit.

"What's so funny, doll?" he asked as he kissed my neck.

"Your arm is just cold." I turn up the volume on the TV and I can feel a smile creeping on Bucky's face. Suddenly, I felt Bucky pull me fully into his lap. "Well, I don't want you getting cold doll." As I tried to get comfortable I felt something hard underneath me and heard a grunt from Bucky.

"Uh, what is that?" All I got for an answer as a small laugh and Bucky's hands resting on my hips. I asked him again, but all he did was gently move my hips back and forth. My face got hotter as I felt the hardness under me growing. I tried to get off his lap, but he pulled me back when I turned around to look at him. I met his icy blue eyes and couldn't help but to get lost in them. Our faces were inches apart until he closed the gap between us, pressing his lips against mine. I felt myself melt into him as he forced his tongue into my mouth. His metal arm pulled so hard on my shirt that he tore it off.

"Sorry." He laughed lightly and trailed kisses down my chest and to my stomach. The coolness of his metal arm trailed up my side and around my neck. His hand slowly squeezed my neck causing my air supply to get cut off.  I scratched at his chest, needing air, and he loosened his grip for me to breathe. Bucky gently laid me down on my back and planted a kiss on my forehead, then one on my lips.

"Bucky," I breathed. I tugged on his shirt and he chuckled as he took it off. He kissed me again as he slid off my shorts and underwear, leaving me completely naked beneath him. He wrapped is normal hand around my neck as his metal hand ran down my body to my wet core. My back arched as the cold metal brushed against my entrance. I squirmed in his grip and he grinned at me. His normal hand covered my mouth to muffled my screams as he plunged 2 of his metal fingers inside of me. I gripped his arm as my back arched and I screamed, it being muffled by his hand.

"Don't scream to loud or you'll wake everyone up, doll." He stared me dead in the eyes as he sped up his fingers. I felt a knot in my stomach and as soon as it formed, it left as I came all over his hand. Bucky sat up as he licked his hand clean of my cum, still watching me. I couldn't help myself as I sat up and pulled off his sweatpants and boxers. "Doll, what are you-" I cut him off as I climbed into his lap and pressed my lips against his again. Without even hesitating, he lined his hard erection up with my entrance and forced me down on him, earning a loud moan from me. Bucky wrapped is arms around me, so my body was pressed against his. His metal hand tangled into my hair and pushed my head down to his metal shoulder. "Bite, " was all he said before he rammed deep inside me. I opened my mouth to scream and he forced my head down on his shoulder again. I bit hard onto the metal as he went at an inhuman speed. My vision blurred as I felt myself release all over him, but he didn't slow down. I felt Bucky tense beneath me right before he emptied into me. Panting he fell back, still holding tightly onto me.

"Damn Barnes," I said, panting. He smiled, out of breath and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Believe me. That isn't the end."

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