Taken In- Bucky

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**Short chapter- if want another (better) part pls let me know**

My eyes burned as bright light poured into them. I closed my eyes and fluttered them as I grew used to the lights in my face.

"Well, good morning," I heard a voice say to my left. Pain shot through me as I turned my head towards the source of the voice. Sitting next to me was a scruffy man with dark chocolate colored hair and matching eyes. I had initially thought he wasn't human because of the blue light emanating from a metal box like mechanism in his chest. "You've been out for a while. Do you remember your name?" the man asked softly.

"(y/n)," I hoarsely answered.

"Well (y/n), you definitely damaged my team a bit." I just stared at him. I had no clue what he was talking about and my face must've said that as he explained, "you attacked the Avengers, my team. I'm Tony Stark. Or you may know me as Iron Man." I started to vaguely remember the fight between me and the Avengers. A huge wave of guilt rushed over me. I wasn't in control of myself, but I knew what I did.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed quietly, tears starting to leak from my eyes. Tony smiled sympathetically at me.

"We know you were being controlled, (y/n). But, I fixed that problem. No one will be able to control you again and you'll be safe here with us." Tony wheeled his chair closer to me and helped me sit up. "You can stay here and get some feeling back while your room is being finished up." I smiled at him as he got up and left the room leaving me by myself.

(Time skip brought to you by Loki's scepter)

I was laying back down with my eyes closed as I heard the door to the room open. The sound of heavy booted footsteps echoed in my ears as I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head towards the door. My eyes met a pair of ocean blue ones and I couldn't look away. I sat up and got a good look at the rest of the blue eyed man. He had medium length dark brown hair and..... a metal arm.

"I'm Bucky. Tony sent me to take you to your bedroom," he said, sounding partly irritated by having to do something.

"Okay." I slid off the bed I was sitting on and tried to stand. Almost instantly I fell, but I was wrapped up just as quickly in Bucky's arms.

"You should be more careful," he said trying not to laugh. Bucky helped me stand and get feeling back in my legs before we started our journey to my new room. "So, you're the girl that kicked ass yesterday? Taking on Tony, Steve, and Nat isn't exactly easy."

"Steve and Nat?" I asked.

"Captain America and Black Widow. Don't worry you'll learn everyone's names quick," he smiled. My body began to feel all warm and fuzzy as he smiled at me. "I never caught your name."

"(y/n). My name is (y/n)," I blurted out. He laughed at how quick I answered him.

"Well you're very pretty for a super badass type, (y/n)," he smiled.

"I wouldn't say badass," I laughed, "I wouldn't really say pretty either." I tensed a bit as our hands brushed against each other.

"Well I would. I don't say that to many girls." I couldn't help but to smile and I could feel my face heat up. He stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall. "This is it. This is your room. Nat is to the left of you, Steve on your right, and I'm right across the hall if you need anything," he gestured to the doors with his metal hand as he explained.

"Thanks, Bucky. You're really nice," I smiled.

"Well, I try to be. If you need me you know where I am," he said right before he planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. My face burned as I saw the happy smile that grew on Bucky's face before he disappeared behind his bedroom door.

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