Jealous of Steve- Bucky

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"Hey, Steve," I smiled when I walked into the kitchen. Steve and Bucky were, as usual, up before everyone and making their morning cups of coffee.

"Good morning, (y/n)," Steve beamed. Bucky grumbled to himself as his sipped from his cup.

"Morning, Buck," I said happily.

"Yeah," Bucky exhaled. Bucky had been very dismissive of Steve and I for a few days and it was starting to worry Steve.

"Buck, you got to talk to us. Why are you so.... fed up with the world when you're around us?" Steve questioned. The only response Steve got from Bucky was and irritated scoff and eye roll.

"James Buchanan Barnes," I growled.

"Don't call me that!" he shouted as he slammed his metal fist down on the counter in front of him, "and stop flirting with each other in front of me all the time!"

"Flirting? Buck, we're just friends. I don't like (y/n) that way," Steve stated.

"Yeah. But, even if we did like each other, what would it matter to you?" I asked. Bucky's face immediately turned a bright pinkish-red. Steve opened his mouth to say something, but Bucky quickly turned on his heels and bolted from the room. I stared a confused look with Steve before I chased after Bucky. He has zipped through the halls and ducked into his room. His door was still cracked open, so I gently pushed the door open and took a step into his room.

"Get out," Bucky whispered.

"Not until you talk to me," I stated, "why did you act like that?" He was silent and shrank into himself out of embarrassment. I slowly walked around the bed and took a seat next to him. "You can tell me, Buck." Bucky kept his head down, his eyes locked on the ground between his feet. I slowly took his human hand into mine in an attempt to comfort him. "Bucky, please tell me. We're friends and friends are always there for each other."

"You would probably stop talking to me if I told you, (y/n)," he mumbled.

"That's not true. Now, tell me," I pushed. Bucky's face turned a deep red like a stop sign. "Come on, tell me why you acted like that."
"Because I like you, okay?" he blurted out before covering his mouth with his metal hand in embarrassment. I sat there in shock for a minute, my mouth hanging open in surprise.

"You... like me?" I asked, dumbfounded. Bucky nervously nodded his head as he waited for some type of horrible reaction from me.

"Didn't see that one coming. But, what does that have to do with Steve and I hanging out?"

"I just... I get jealous, okay? Yeah, he's my best friend don't get me wrong about that. But, ever since he got that serum and became Captain America, every girl that sees him wants to date him," Bucky vented.

"Well, I'm not 'every girl', Bucky," I smiled, "I mean you have the serum, too. Plus, you have your metal arm."

"You're just trying to make me feel better..." he grumbled.

"Of course I'm trying to make you feel better, Bucky. But, unlike other girls, I like a guy for who they are on the inside, not what they look like or how they're portrayed on the outside. Besides," I smiled before gently planting a small kiss on his cheek, "I think you're pretty great for what it's worth." Bucky stared at me in disbelief. A small smile slowly grew onto his face.

"You like me?" he whispered. I laughed and nodded before planting another kiss on his lips.

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