°11•Revealing the truth

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When I told my mother that I wanted to invite Ian and his parents to the house, she accepted right away without asking why. She was thrilled about the idea to have our neighbours join us for a cup of coffee. It’s been a while since we did this.

I don’t think that she will be thrilled once she knows the truth of what is up with me lately.

I’m sitting on the couch, feeling nervous about what will happen next. In a minute now, they will be here.

My mother put her hand on my knee, looking at me with concern. “Honey, why are you so nervous? Do you regret inviting them? Did you fight with Ian?”

No, mom, he’s just my baby daddy. I think in my head.

“Don’t worry, mom. Ian and I are in a good place.” I smile so she won’t suspect more than she already is.

“Then why…” She starts saying as she’s interrupted by the doorbell ring.

Saved by the bell, literally.

“I’ll get it.” I jump from the couch to answer the door.

Angus, my mother’s husband, went to drop his children at their friend’s house. He knew that I didn’t want any disturbance for tonight. They knew I had something to announce. They suspected that Ian and I rekindled our friendship.

Boy, were they wrong.

Opening the door, Ian’s mother smiles at me as she sees me. “How are you dear?” She leans toward me to kiss me on the cheek.

“Mme. Ramsey, I’m so glad you could make it on such short notice.” I greet her in my turn.

“When Ian told me that you wanted to invite us for a cup of coffee, I couldn’t refuse. You know I love you as if you were my daughter. I’m so glad that you started speaking to one another.” She rubs my arm before she steps inside my house.

“M. Ramsey, it’s good to see you.”

“You too, my child.” Ian’s father says before he follows his wife.

My heart starts to beat at a fast pace. Now that everyone is here the situation becomes more real. I’ll have to remain strong for the baby, growing inside of me. If I can’t control this situation. How on earth will I be able to handle it when the baby will be here?

“Hey, princess. You Okay?” Ian looks at me with concern. “We can still wait if you want to.”

I shake my head. “No. If we keep waiting, I’ll start to show.”

Ian brings me into his arms as let him. “Everything will be alright. I won’t leave your side, no matter what. I promise, princess.” He kisses the top of my head as I lean my head to his chest.

Someone, clear its throat. I detach myself from Ian. When I look behind us. Angus is standing there, looking at both of us.

He stares at Ian. “I see that everyone is already here.”

Angus is the father figure I never had. Even if I’m not blood-related to him, he treats me as his own daughter. He knows how broken I was when Ian and I drifted apart.

“Ian,” Angus says in a strict voice.

Ian nods his head. “Mr. Philips.”

“Viola, don’t take too long. Knowing your mother, she already started to serve the coffee.”

I nod as he walks away.

Ian takes my hand in his, guiding me to the living room. I tighten my hold on his hand, telling him that I’m grateful for his presence. I know I said to him that I could figure this out on my own. I’m so glad that he didn’t run away and stood by me.

As we walk inside the room, everyone is already sitting, drinking their coffee. For a split second, I want to change my mind, and not say anything. They seem to be in a good mood and I don’t want to change that.

I look up at Ian. He nods his head, letting me know that he’s ready for this to be over. Once we’ll reveal the truth, it won’t be a turning back. We can move to the next step, which is to have an appointment with a doctor.

“I have something to tell you guys,” I say, but not loud enough so they will hear me.

My mother looks at me. “What is it, honey? Did you want to tell us something?”

Ian squeezes my hand to encourage me to do this.

I clear my throat. “I have…” I stop talking as I feel Ian’s hand in mine. That’s right, I'm not alone in this. “We have something that we have to tell you guys.”

As I keep looking at everyone. It’s like the room starts to become smaller and smaller, trying to suffocate me.

Seriously, Viola. You can do this. I encourage myself.

I mess with my hair nervously. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to tell you guys so I’m just going to say it.” I take a deep breath to prepare for what will happen next. “I’m pregnant.”

I see the shocks written on their faces. My focus is on one person, my mother. Her eyelashes blinked rapidly, trying to process the news. Angus holds my mother’s hand, giving her support.

“Viola, why did you ask us to be here tonight?” Ian’s mother wonders, but I know she suspects the answer.

I’m about to answer when Ian steps in. “Because mother, I’m the father.”

“Did you guys decide what you want to do next?” Mme. Ramsey looks at my stomach. “Will you keep it? Did you have an appointment with a doctor?”

“We want to keep it. We wanted to tell you guys before we go to an appointment.” I bite my lips nervously. “I know you must be angry with us.”

“We aren’t angry. We are just surprised by this.” M. Ramsey, Ian’s father says.

I turn to my mother. “What about you. Are you angry?”

My mother looks at me. “I’m disappointed.”

I turn my eyes to look at the floor. Tears want to escape from my eyes. Ian circles his around my shoulders, kissing the side of my head.

“Are you going to stay at her side, or are you going to run away like most people your age do?” My mother turns her intention to Ian.

Ian lets out a sigh. “I’m staying at her side, no matter what.”

My mother nods her head. “I hope you’re going to stick to your promise. Not long ago you didn’t speak to one another. I’m not going to ask when this happened. It’s not my business to know. All I want from you is that you keep your promise. This will be a life change for the both of you.”

“Don’t worry. I will make sure he’ll stick to his responsibility.” Ian’s father assures my mother.

Tears fell down my cheeks. “So does this mean that you’re going to kick me out of the house?”

My mother let go of Angus’ hand, standing up. Ian steps to the side as she brings me inside her arms. “You are my daughter. I love you no matter what. I will never do this to you, not in a million years. The baby will be both of your responsibilities. I will help, but I won’t do the job of the mother in your place.”

I tighten my hold on my mother as I cry. “Thank you. Thank you, mother.”

My mother shakes her head. “ I can’t believe I’m becoming a grandmother at my age.” She tries to lighten the mood.

She lets go of me to hug Ian. “Don’t hurt her.” She warns him.

“I promise Mme. Lenox.”

She taps playfully on Ian's cheek. “Call me Sandra. You are family now.”

I’m so relieved that I told my mother. The situation could have turned out so differently. Ian and I have parents that would do anything for us. I hope that I will be a parent to my child as my mother is to me. She’s a model to follow. She has always been at my side, even for this.

I feel lighter on my shoulders. It’s been weeks since I kept this a secret. Now, I can finally breathe. 

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