°2•The tour

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“Miss Parker, let me introduce Miss Viola Lennox.” Mr. Rheims turns his eyes on me. “This is our new student, Miss Hanna Parker. Miss Lenox, I would like you to give her a tour of the school.”

“It would be my pleasure Mr. Principal,” I say with a smile.

As we bot step outside of Mr. Rheims’ office, Miss Lily Salazar calls for Hanna. “Miss Parker, don’t forget your schedule. For the books that you will need, Miss Lenox will show you where to get them.” She gives some papers to Hanna in a folder.

“Let’s start the tour,” I say as we step out of the main office

The first impression I have from Hanna is a good vibe. I like her already. I notice when she walks, she limps a little. I wonder if she got this from a bad accident. It seems to be permanent. I won’t ask because it’s not my place to know.

We walk through the hallways of the school. I want to break the silence that’s between us. “So, where are you from?”

She looks at me and then back in front of her. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t share my past with people that I barely know.”

She’s discreet about herself. I can respect that about her. I won’t judge her for that. Since I lost Ian as a friend, I have had some difficulties in trusting people, and it seems does is she.

We have that in common.

“It’s settled then. You’ll sit with me at lunchtime so we can become better acquaintances.” I surprise myself as I say this.

“Who said that I needed a friend?” I know she’s only teasing me.

I turn to look at her, shrugging. “Everyone needs a friend, especially here.”

As I say this, my mind goes back to Ian. Even if our friendship ended so radically, I still care about him. I still love him, but too much time has passed for me to try and fix this.

Ever since I caught him with that girl in my treehouse, I never went back there. It was our secret place, and without him, it isn’t the same. He can never know how I feel about him. No one will. It will be a secret that I will keep with me forever.

I look at Hanna, and I see that she’s struggling with something. I step in front of her, putting my hands over her shoulders. “Hey, are you okay?”

She smiles at me, but I see it’s a fake one. “Super duper.” She replays.

I chuckle at her answer. I try so hard not to laugh. “You’re funny. Come, let’s continue with the tour…Miss Super Duper.” I can’t help myself.

I hope she won’t be offended at me for teasing her. I think this is a good way of breaking the ice between two people that barely know one another.

Seeing the reaction written on her face, I title my head on the back as I laugh so hard. It must be contagious because Hanna starts to laugh as well. It’s so good to be able to laugh with someone. The last time I laughed like that was with Ian.

I look around us, realizing something. “Sh, sh, sh, we have to be careful before we get in trouble by interrupting the classes that have already started,” I warn her as we continue to walk, laughing at the same time.

The next stop is at the library.

“Hey, Miss Green.” I wave to her. “This is Miss Hanna Parker. She’s a new student and needs some books for her classes.”

Miss Green smiles at us. “Good morning, Miss Lenox. Miss Parker, welcome to our school. Come with me. I will give you the books you need.

Miss Green is a kind woman. I wonder if she has someone in her life. I think to myself as I wait for them to finish.

As I see Hanna go inside her classroom, I hope her first class will go well for her. Sometimes people can be stupid, especially at our age.

Entering my class, I go to the teacher’s desk to give him the paper that Mr. Rheims has signed to explain my absence. I take my seat to do the assignment, writing on the board.

I haven’t lied to Hanna. When I told her we were going to eat together at lunch hour.

I look around in the cafeteria for Hanna. I know the first day can’t be difficult among strangers. I go to her as I finally spot her. I intertwine my arm with her’s. She jumped a little as she didn’t see me coming.

“There you are, Miss S. D,” I say, laughing at her reaction.

I see the puzzle on her face. She must wonder why I called her Miss S. D. “Yes, Miss Super Duper.” I can’t stop laughing.

She scuffs. “Shit! You won’t let this go, aren’t you?”

“And miss this reaction? Definitely not!” I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my laugh.

We each take a tray to stand in line for our meal. The menu today is tomato soup, chicken with rice, and for dessert an apple pie.

Yum! I love apple pie.

“Look at yourself, Viola. You made a new friend. I hope you can keep this one.” Ian says, walking past us.


“Shut up, Ian!” I replay, annoyed by him.

“You wish.” He says as he sits at the table with his friends.

The popular table. We have Johnny Lockwood, Fionna Evans with her minions, Jake Dallas and finally Ian Ramsey.

I hate people who think that they are above everyone else.

Seriously, besides being popular what other qualifications do they have? I, on the other hand,
work hard to excel in classes. I don’t need their judgments to be someone. I know who I am, and I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not.

“Who was that?” Hanna asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I scuff. “A stupid Idiot. We were friends when we were little until we got here. Everything changed after that.”

I don’t want to tell her the whole story. She didn’t share her past with me. It’s not wrong if I do the same. Maybe someday I will.

I look at their table, and something strange catches my eyes. “Uhmm, Hanna. Johnny Lockwood is staring at you.”

As he notices that Hanna is looking at him. He plays instead with his phone so no one will notice him.

I will have to warn her before she has her hopes up. Johnny is the golden boy of the school. He’s the captain of the Ligers, our football team. No one can touch him. Besides, he’s in an off-and-on relationship with Fionna Evans. The bitch of the school who thinks that everyone should bow to her. She’s the cheerleader captain.

No one would dare to break them apart.

As I already said before, they are on the top, and we are on the bottom in their eyes and that will never change. 

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