Chapter 33

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Alissa POV:

"Are you going out soon?" I ask Dom as we head to Gorilla and he looks at me.

"I don't really know- you don't know what number your going out as until a producer looks at you and tells you your next." He says and I nod. A few more numbers pass I stand there anxiously waiting as if I'm the one heading out to fight.

"Dominik get ready your heading out next." One of the producers say as he nods waiting for his music to hit then beginning to head out the curtain. I start to follow him but I get stopped by HHH.

"Not you Alissa, I want you to stay back." He says and I walk away from the curtain and he signals me over to him.

"Why do you want me to stay Hunter?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"I was told that of the GM's-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Sonya." I tell him and he nods.

"Sonya, told you you're to new in the company to compete tonight." He says and I nod.

"Yeah unfortunately." I tell him.

"Well I think I found a way you can compete." He says and i look up excitedly.

"Really?" I ask him and he nods.

"The only thing is you'll have to compete with the girls." He says and I shrug.

"That's a small price to pay if it means I get to compete." I tell him as I head, or run I guess, to go get ready. As I'm heading out back I run straight into Madison and once she helps me up she looks at me.

"Liss liss you haven't said anything to me since earlier, are you alright?" She asks and I take a deep breath to avoid hitting her.

"Yeah Madison I'm fine just wonderful, why would I be mad that my best friend since childhood told me that she has a crush on my boyfriend?" I ask her sarcastically and she looks surprised.

"This is why I didn't want to say anything, I knew you'd get upset, you have no temper control." She says snippy and I bring my hand up and slap her across the face.

"I have every right to be upset- don't talk to me ever again." I say as I walk away and head to Naomi who I spotted when talking to Madison.

"Hey Trin?" I ask walking up to her.

"What's up Alissa?" She asks.

"Is there any chance you have extra gear I could borrow, turns out I am competing tonight and I didn't bring any gear." I tell her.

"Yeah I think I got something." She tells me dragging me to her locker room. She starts going through her suitcase and tosses me some gear.

"Thanks i owe you one." I tell her as I head out of her locker room. Heading to  my own I run into Chris. This day just keeps getting better and better.


"Nope." I say as I walk around him. He grabs my shoulders turning me around. Out of instinct I slap him and he lets go of me.

"Don't feel to good does it?" I ask him with tears in my eyes. After I change into the gear I head to Gorilla to wait since the men's match just ended. Dominik comes up behind me, trying to surprise me but instead scaring me.

"How'd you do?" I ask him.

"Didn't win- Corbin eliminated me." He says looking down at me.

"You're still the winner in my eyes." I tell him smiling.

"So, care to tell me why you're standing here dressed to fight?" He asks me.

"Hunter found a way for me to compete, the only thing is he could only get me into the woman's rumble." I tell him and smiles.

"The woman's rumble is better then no rumble." He tells me.

"That's what I said." I tell him. We keep talking for a while until every other woman competing is gone out and it just leaves me.

"Alissa you next." The producer tells me and I head to the curtain hearing the countdown coming from the audience.





My music hits. As I head out the crowd wastes no time at all expressing how they feel about this through screams and cheers. By the time I'm in the ring there are 5 woman left including me. Charlotte, Rhea, Naomi, Shayna and me all look at each other. Then I realize Charlotte is close enough to the rope that I could knock her over it, so I do just that. When she hits the floor she looks surprised.

"Uh buh bye" I say waving teasingly and she stomps out back.

"Is it just me Cole or are Naomi and Alissa matching?"  I hear McAfee ask and I bite back a laugh. Me, Rhea and Naomi all look at each other then look at shayna clearly thinking the same thing- if we don't get rid of her one of us is gonna end up with a broken arm. All three if us team on her dumping her over the ropes after me giving her a 619 and Rhea delivering a riptide. While I'm teasing Shayna (because teasing the woman while they're pissed is hilarious) I don't realize that Rhea tries to dump me and Naomi over the top and while Naomi hits the floor I manage to grab the rope and pull myself up. Suddenly my childhood of benching transmissions has came in handy. I roll back in the ring and when Rhea turns around I dropkick her. When she stands up I give her a hurricanrana (which I can properly do now) and toss her over. It doesn't hit me what happened until the bell rings.

"Here's your winner, Alissa." The guy says and my legs buckle under me. I won, Holy shit I won!! I run my hands through my hair in disbelief and I get hugged from behind and I know it's Dominik.

"I DID IT!!" I say hugging him tightly, literally crying out of happiness.

"I knew you could do it mi amor." He says then he lifts me up on his shoulders and smiling I point at the Wrestle Mania sign. Today's been quite a day!

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