Chapter 24

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Tw: eventually mentions of suicidal thoughts and cutting, read at your own risk

Alissa POV:

"Sorry we're late, Stephanie wanted to talk to me." I say as we walk up to Rey and Konnan who are both standing there with their arms crossed. They give each other a look then look back at us.

"If you say so." They say at the same time with a smile and I shake my head.

"Y'all are children." I say and just then they realize my clothes.

"miel, are you expecting to train in that?" Rey asks and then it hits me.

"Damn it, I forgot my duffle bag at home." I say face palming.

"Mi amor, I think I might have something you could use." Dominik says and I look at him.

"That's sweet and all- but I am literally tiny compared to you." I tell him.

"Yeah- cause that's stopped you from taking my shirts and hoodies all the time." He deadpans and I laugh.

"Alright- whatcha got?" I ask and he walks over to his locker thingy. He tosses me a t shirt and since I ready have shorts I go and change. After switching out my boots for sneakers I head back over to Rey and Konnan.

"Alright I'm ready, what are we doing today?" I ask them.

"Just some basic moves you've been struggling with that your going to need if you're starting soon." Konnan says and I nod.

"So hurricanrana and dropkick?" I ask and they nod. After some time of practicing they tell me I can take a break and I sit next to Dominik on the chairs.

"If I do one more hurricanrana I'm gonna barf." I say looking at him.

"Elegant." He says sarcastically and I nudge his shoulder laughing.

"But seriously- I need a break I'm starting to hurt in places I didn't even know I had." I tell him.

"Well maybe- dang it their coming back- just trust me Mi amor." He says and I nod as I get up.

"Ready to continue?" Rey asks and I nod. I get back in the ring but Dominik stands up.

"Pops." He says and all three of us look at him.

"Si hijo?" Rey asks.

"Maybe I could take Alissa for a run around the block a couple times- you know for cardio." Dominik says and I swear I'm glad he acts better on camera or else his promos would always be seen through.

"That actually sounds like a great idea hijo, Alissa are you up for- I'll take that as a yes." Rey starts to ask but cuts himself off when I bolt for the door. The moment we step outside and start running I instantly regret ever agreeing to go for a run.

"Remind me again why I agreed to this?" I ask him and he laughs. Once we are out of sight of the training center he stops running and I look at him confused.

"I thought we were going for a run? And don't say you need a break cause I know for a fact that you more in shape then I am." I say as I slow down.

"I used a run as an excuse to get out of there, you looked like you were ready to blow a gasket." He says and I laugh.

"You ain't wrong there." I say and he smiles- well kinda.

"Are you ok Dom? You seem to be in a bit of a mood." I ask him concerned.

"Yeah of course Chica- everything's fine." He says and I look at him.

"Mmhm, your lying, spill." I say and he looks at me.

"You always have been able to tell when I'm upset." He says and I laugh.

"Dominik, I could just be casually be sitting on my couch watching Smackdown and be able to tell if you were genuinely happy or having a rough day but smiled anyway for the sake of it all." I tell him and I realize that that's only like the 3rd time I've called him Dominik in his presence.

"Really?" He asks and I nod.

"When I say I was- and still am a fan, I mean it. You have no clue just how much you've done for me before and after I met you." I tell him and he smiles.

"I never realized I had that big of an impact on people." He says and I kiss him quickly.

"You- you were my inspiration to keep going. No matter how hard things got I had you to look up to- to remind me that no matter what anyone says or how anyone treats me, I do matter and no matter how bad the day there are good ones ahead." I tell him and it's his turn to look at me.

"Seems like there's something bothering you too Chica." He says and I look at him.

"Nice try, I'll tell you but you go first." I tell him.

"My ex she won't leave me alone and when I posted a picture of me and you together she said- well she said some things." He says.

"I'm going to hurt that bitch." I say clenching my fists at my side and he hugs me.

"Mi amor it's ok, I'm not leaving you just because my ex doesn't like you- she never did like you I don't know why though your incredible." He says and I smile.

"Because she thought I was going to take her man and she hates me even more because you left her because of me." I tell him looking up and when I do I realize that we are getting close to Starbucks.

"So, why are you upset Chica?" He asks and I sigh.

"Well talking about how you inspired me to keep going even in my darkest times reminded me of one of my darkest." I tell him looking down as a tear slips down my cheek.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable Chica." He say and I raise my head.

"No, I want to tell you." I tell him as I wipe my eyes. I take a deep breath then look at him.

"Well I never really go to meet my mom, she passed away when I was 3. So I grew up with my brother and my dad. My dad he was also a racer, that's where me and my brother get it from. I would spend days coated in oil helping my dad make sure his race car was ready for the next race or helping him change the trans in a client's car then spend the night watching whatever movies I was into while he braided my hair. He loved us both but I was his little princess- until one dreadful day when I was 10. I didn't go to see his race that day because I had an upset stomach but I gave him a good luck hug before he left. Later that day my aunt dropped my brother off but stayed at the house which I found weird. After she eventually left my brother came up to my room looking sad. I asked him if dad had won his race. That's when he had told me that dad had gotten into a wreck while racing and he passed away. I was so upset I cried for days- shutting myself out from everything and everyone. I wasn't mentally in the best place and I had a lot of thoughts I'm not proud of. I was at my lowest and one day I- well I cut. Afterwards I thought I had it hidden well by wearing a hoodie on over my tank top but my brother got suspicious when I was wearing a bulky hoodie in June when I was already complaining about the heat. Once he found out he blamed it all on himself, since he was 19 he basically became responsible for me, and that's what caused him to start drinking and well you know the story from there." I tell him and he hugs me.

"Damn Chica I'm so sorry about that, I knew that you didn't exactly have it easy but that's terrible." He says and I wipe my eyes.

"I'm just glad I finally got away from it, I have been so much better since moving with you." I say and he smiles.

"So, what do you think about Starbucks?" He asks.

"Sure but I didn't exactly pick up my wallet in my haste to get the fuck out of there." I tell him and he reaches into his pocket and passes me my phone.

"A) I picked it up and forgot to hand it to you while we were talking and B) you might want to answer whoever the fuck is rapidly texting and calling you." He says and I stiffle a laugh.

"How do you-"

"You're phones on vibrate." He says and at this point I just laugh.

"Oh also, I'm paying for the drinks." He says as we head in.

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