Chapter 26

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Alissa POV:

"buenos días Chica (good morning Chica)." Dominik says as he comes down the stairs and I smile.

"Morning!" I tell him.

"For once your up before me." He jokes and I laugh.

"Yeah- I guess I was, I think that's the first time since I moved here." I say smiling.

"So last night I was talking to my cousin." He says sitting beside me and I look at him confused.

"Dylan?" I ask him and he shakes his head no.

"No her name is Taylor she's actually our age." He says and I nod. (Just to let yall know- she is 100% made up, just thought I'd make that clear)

"So what did she say?" I ask him.

"Well she actually wants to meet you, but only if you want to." He tells me.

"I'd love to!" I tell him.

"We should probably get going soon- I'm gonna go change." He says and I nod he's halfway to the stairs when I turn to look at him.

"Oh and Dominik?" I ask and he turns.


"You need to wear muscle tops more, in my opinion anyways." I tell him and he laughs as he heads upstairs. Once we get to Taylor's place we jump out of the truck and head to the door with our hands laced together. Not long after Dominik knocks on the door a pretty blond girl opens the door.

"Hey lil cuz!" She says ruffling his hair, even though he's taller and he pouts.

"Taylor I'm the same age as you, you're literally only a month older then me." He says and I contain my laughter.

"Wait you are?" I ask her and when she notices me a get a huge hug.

"Yeah I am, also hi I'm Taylor, Doms cousin." She says putting her hand out and I shake it.

"I'm Alissa, Doms girlfriend- also is there any chance you birthday is March 5th?" I tell and ask her.

"Actually yeah that's spot on." She says.

"My birthday is the same day!" I exclaim.

"OMG BIRTHDAY TWINS!!!" She screeches as we head inside.

"So Dom, you never told me that Alissa was your girlfriend." Taylor says nudging him and I notice him go red.

"Hey Dommy boy, long time no see." I hear someone say and I look around to see a brunette guy.

"Hey Colin, this is Alissa." Dominik says and I wave.

"Oh you brought a chick with you, did you put a ring on it?" He asks and we both instantly look at him.

"Whoa whoa whoa." We say at the same time.

"What, is she not marriage material?" Colin asks.

"No no no I never said tha-" Dominik starts but gives up when he realizes that he ain't going to win this one and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey why don't we go swimming?" Taylor asks and we all agree. After changing into a bikini I borrowed from Taylor and making sure Colin didn't try to start a fight by the side of the pool, Taylor eventually comes out and me and her sit on two of the chairs by the side of the pool and the two boys jump in the water.

"He loves you some hell of a lot." Taylor says and I smile.

"Dominik is my whole damn world and I would do anything and everything for him no matter how demanding it may seem." I tell her.

"The last girl he had, while she seemed nice she was really just in it for the money and attention she got from his and Tíos fans." Taylor says and then she randomly starts giggling. Before I can ask her why she's laughing I'm lifted into the air and thrown into the pool.

"Why did you guys do tha-" I hear Taylor start to ask and wonder why she stopped until I hear a splash beside me.

"Fuck you." We yell at them at the same time a they look at each other then look back at us and I groan.

"You both know what we fucking meant." I say as I hoist my self out of the pool and sit on the edge with just my feet sticking in the water.

"I'm sorry mi amor." Dominik says as he sits his chin on my shoulder but I turn away and act mad.

"You wanna be like that huh?" He asks jokingly and goes to put his chin on my other shoulder but I turn again. Then he goes to do it I turn again but instead end up getting a kiss.

"You are very sneaky." I tell him and he smiles wide.

"Yoo hoo, we're right here you know." Colin says and as we turn to look at him and Taylor she turns and kisses him quickly and we all laugh at his expression.

"Not to cut the party short but it's getting late- we should probably head home." I say looking at Dom and he nods. After we all say goodbye we head home and I just instantly head to bed.

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