Chapter 11

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Warning: this chapter is gonna be a little harsh. Tw: use of Alcohol, mentions of abuse, and yeah read at your own risk.

Alissa POV:

"Chica I got to go back to the hotel ok?" Dominik asks me standing up and I nod.

"Yeah go ahead, I'm gonna go ask Justin if I can stay with him, I'll walk you out." I tell him. We walk to the door and he hugs me.

"Contact me if anything goes on ok Chica?" He asks me and I nod, staring into his gorgeous brown eyes.

"See you." I say as he walks out the door then once he's gone I head to the main shop.

"Hey Justin can I stay with you tonight?" I ask him.

"Of course hun." He says. Sometimes Justin can be a royal pain in the ass but when it comes to my brother's behavior, he's completely understanding. Sometimes my brother can be, well let's say mean.

"Let's go it's getting late." He says and I jump in my truck and head to his house.

"Hey Alissa!" I hear Jackie yell from downstairs.

"Sup?" I ask walking down.

"Chris wants you." She says passing me her phone.

"Hello?" I ask even though I know it's Chris.

"Alissa where the hell are you it's late." He slurs and I can almost smell the alcohol through the phone.

"Chris what the hell have you been drinking?" I ask him.

"Alissa get the fuck home right now." He says then hangs up.

"What did he want Liss?" She asks.

"He wants me to come home but he sounded really drunk." I tell her.

"Can I borrow your phone for a second?" I ask her and she nods. (BTW when texting the phone is gonna say Jackie cause it's her phone, not because Jackie is the one typing)


It's Alissa

What's up Chica?

Can you come get me, my brother wants me to go home but I'm scared


It's a long story I'll tell you on the way

I'll be there in a few

"Thank you Jackie." I tell her as I pass her back her phone. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door.

"Who the hell-?"

"It's Dominik." I tell Justin as I head for the door. When I open it I see Dominik and gesture to his truck.

"So mind to tell me why your scared to go home?" He asks as he starts the truck.

"Well my brother called wanting me to come home but it was extremely clear that he wasn't sober." I tell him.

"What's so scary about your brother being drunk?" Dominik asks and I know I'm gonna have to tell him the story.

"Ok if I tell you this do you promise to keep it to yourself?"

"Chica, that shouldn't even have to be a question." He says.

"Ok well when my brother gets drunk, which isn't very often, but when it does happen he gets kinda abusive." I tell him and he grabs the steering wheel so tight I see his knuckles turn white.

"Has he ever hit you?" He asks in almost a whisper and I'm scared to say anything so I just nod.

"Chica, I'm coming in with you, just in case."

"But Dom, what if he hits you?" I ask him.

"Chica I'm a pro wrestler."

"But still what if-"

"I'm coming in to protect you, not to worry about what he'll try to do to me." He says and I nod. When we get to the house I take a few deep breaths before taking off my seat belt.

"Let's go." I say sounding way more confident then I actually am. We walk in and I see my brother sitting at the kitchen island.

"Alissa come over here." He slurs and I start shaking. Dominik grabs my hand to calm me down and I look at him and give the best smile I can right now. I take another deep breath then slowly start walking towards the kitchen.

"Hey Chris, I came home like you said." I say as I make it to him. He stands up and turns to look at me and Dominik.

"What did I say about you hanging out with him." He slurs pointing at Dominik.

"You can't control me Chris." I tell him and he looks pissed.

"Dominik please go wait outside." I whisper to him and he looks at me with an are you sure look, and I nod. He heads out the door and I look at my brother.

"Chris, I know you've been drinking." I say and somehow, I mange to piss him off even more.

"You don't get to choose who I hang out with." I tell him once he doesn't say anything. Before I know what's going on his hand comes up and strikes my cheek.

"You say you want to protect me from people like Luke, and yet the person who acts the most like him has been right under my nose the whole time." I say half crying. I run out, grabbing my phone and stuff on the way out and once I get outside I sit on the step and start crying, holding my cheek.

"Alissa, sweetie, what did he say to you?" Dominik says coming over as he makes me stand up. I remove my hand from my cheek and Domink hesitates, unsure of the right move.

"I'm going to hurt him." Dominik says heading for the door and I block it.

"Let's not right now, let's just go." I say and he looks at me for a second then nods turning around.

"There's no way I can stay with Justin or any of my other friends, Chris knows I'll go there and he'll come looking for me." I say once we're headed down the road.

"Chica, can you do me a favor?" Dominik asks.

"Yeah of course, what do you want?" I ask him.

"Grab my phone." He says and I'm confused but pick it up out of the cup holder.

"Ok?" I say.

"Put in the password." He tells me then tells me what to put in.

"Your severely confusing me." I say.

"Go on my messages and click my dad." He says and I do as he says.

"Now ask him if you can stay with us." He says and I smile before doing as he says. When we go past Justin's place I make a mental note to tell him where I went.

"He said it's alright." I tell him before turning the phone off and putting it back where it was.

"Chica what the hell happened in there?" He asks me and I sigh.

"I told him he can't choose who I hang out with then he got mad and hit me." I tell him.

"Is that why you always start shaking when you're nervous?" He asks.

"Yeah, for some reason my brain thinks that when I'm nervous it's because of my brother so I'll just start shaking." I say as we pull into the hotel.

"Thank you Dominik, for everything you've only known me for a little bit and you've done so so much for me." I tell him as we get out.

"Chica without even realizing it, you've done a hell of a lot for me to." He tells me. We walk into the hotel then head up to the room, well rooms. When we walk into one of the rooms, his whole family is there. Well this should be fun.

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