Chapter 25

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Alissa POV:

"Are you almost ready to go Chica?" I hear Dominik yell from downstairs and I head down.

"About as ready as I'm going to be." I tell him and he gives me a quick kiss before lacing his hand with mine.

"It'll be fine mi amor, you're going to be a natural out there on the mic, I know it." He tells me as we get in the truck. Once we get to the stadium and head in Naomi comes over to me.

"Hey Trinity." I say smiling and slightly shaking.

"News around the place says your making your first appearance tonight." She says and I nod.

"Yeah I am!" I say shaking my hands nervously.

"Nervous huh?" She asks noticing my shaking.

"Yeah a little." I reply truthfully.

"Just take a deep breath, you'll do great girl I have faith in you!" She says with a huge smile.

"Thanks Trin it means a lot." I tell her and Dom comes over snaking an arm around my shoulder.

"Hola mi amor." He says and I smile.

"I'll give you guys your time." Trinity (Naomi) says as she leaves.

"It's almost time for you to go out, I'd be watching the screen if I were you." He says pointing to the screen in front of us before taking off. I look to see Austin entering and realize I really should pay attention. He says some words that I don't really listen to until he starts talking about us.

"I can't believe that the Mysterio's are backstage showing off their new addition- like I already beat the son, I beat the dad, so why the hell do they think the sons girlfriend is going to have a chance. She's an intergender fighter, so what if it's that interesting stick it on a damn greeting card why don't you." He says rolling his eyes and I take that as my que to go out. I grab a mic before walking out of the curtain and the crowd pops when my music hits even though no one knows it. I look over to see Justin, Ryan and Lutz sitting front row before bringing the mic up to my mouth.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't stay back there anymore. What in the hell is this your going on about out here?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"Oh look everyone the girlfriend has arrived." He says and I look at him.

"At least I ain't standing out here being an asshole." I tell him.

"So what are you trying to be? A fire impersonation, standing out here with your black and orange hair." He says and I quickly look at my hair before I step into the ring.

"You have an A shaved into the side of your damn head, wanna speak?" I ask and he gets in my face.

"Look I'll crush you just like I crushed your boyfriend and his dad, you have no right to be here Alissa your only here because of your boyfriend and his daddy." He says and instead of replying I bring my hand up and smack him in the face.

"Don't you ever talk about me or my family like that again." I spit before heading backstage where The Mysterio's and a camera man are waiting.

"Mi amor you really showed him!" Dom says picking me up off my feet.

"Si, hopefully you finally taught him not to mess with our familia!" Rey says as he hugs me and Kayla Braxton comes over.

"Alissa you told Austin to leave your family alone but he's been after the Mysterio family ever since Dominik started fighting, do you really think he'll listen to you?" She asks.

"Well if he doesn't I guess I'll test my theory." I say and she looks at me confused.

"Which is?" She's asks.

"Austin's face plus my fist equals me finally getting him to leave my family alone." I tell her before walking off. The first place I head to is catering, I need food.

"Hola, realmente lo estabas bien (hi, you did really good out there)." I hear from behind me but I don't recognize the voice. I turn around to see Humberto Carrillo.

"You don't speak Spanish do you?" He asks in his thick Spanish accent.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to seem rude, I speak it I just didn't know who was talking to me." I say and he nods. We talk for a little bit until I feel an arm around my shoulder and I smile leaning into him knowing damn well that it's my adorable as fuck boyfriend.

"Incredible isn't she?" Dominik asks Humberto kissing the top of my head and I smile more.

"You really have a good one there Dominik, how'd you find such an incredible girl like her?" Humberto asks Dominik and I look at him waiting for him to answer.

"Sometimes I wonder that too, she's truly a gift from God." He says and I hug him.

"I love you so much, there isn't even words." I tell him smiling. I can't believe that this incredible human is my boyfriend, key word being my.

"Did you hear me mi amor?" He asks and I look up.

"Huh?" I ask him and he laughs.

"I said are you ready to leave?" He says and I nod.

"Nice talking to you." I say shaking Humberto's hand and he nods. Once we get home Dominik looks at me.

"So what did you think, that wasn't too bad was it?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"No it was actually pretty fun- I definitely enjoyed slapping Austin, but the whole thing was fun." I tell him and he nods.

"Did any of the guys show up like they said they would?" He asks as I sit on the island and nod.

"Yeah, Justin, Ryan, and Jeff came. Thankfully Justin kept his word and didn't tell Chris- I just cant face him yet, plus I don't want him to know I'm in Cali." I tell him and he nods.

"Carry me to bed please baby, I don't want to walk." I say pouting and he laughs.

"Oh here." He says turning around and I jump on his back.

"I love you." I tell him right before he yet again- drops me on the bed like a sack of bricks.

"Words will never be able to express my love for you Chica." He says as he kisses my forehead before leaving the room. Oh my god I love that man so much.

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