Chapter 12

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Alissa POV:

"Dominik, your whole family's here?" I whisper to him.

"Um, hi thank you guys so much for letting me stay." I say and I see everyone staring at my cheek.

"Sweetie, ven aquí." Dominiks mom says and I don't know what else to do so I walk over to her. She hugs me then like inspects the bruise on my cheek.

"Alissa what happened?" Aalyah says once their mom lets go of me.

"It's a long story, I'd rather not talk about it." I say looking down.

"You're gonna be staying in the other room with me and my sister, here I'll bring you over to get settled." Dominik says bringing me out of the room and over to the other one. I flop onto Dominik's bed, I can tell trust me. I look at Dominik

"Ugh I wish I could just erase everything that happened today after I got back from the stadium." I say as I put my hands on my face, wincing when I touch the bruise.

"Especially this part of it." I say pointing at my cheek and Domink starts giggling.

"What's so funny now, Señor." I say as I sit up.

"Nothing." He says shaking his head.

"Anyways, there's a shower if you want to-"

"Hell yes, I have had a long ass day." I say before he even finishes.

"You can borrow some of my clothes." Aalyah says as she comes in and pushes her brother out, locking him outside.

"What size are you, do you think these will fit you?" She asks as she holds up a pair of sweatpants, eyeballing if they'll fit or not.

"Yeah they look like they'll fit." I tell her and she tosses them to me then turns back to her suitcase.

"Just give me a second and I'll find you a shirt." She half mumbles and I notice that Dominik left his sweatshirt on the bed. I pick it up and turn to Aalyah.

"I got that covered." I say holding it up when she turns around.

"You most definitely like my brother."

"Whaaaaat that's crazy." I say then realize my voice got really high when I said it.

"Showering now." I say when she starts giving me that look.

"Ok now spill." She says the moment I walk out of the bathroom.

"You just sat there waiting 20 minutes for me to finish?" I ask her.

"Eh, don't knock it till you try it." She says patting the bed beside her, and i guess I'm not getting out of this.

"Well even if I did like Dominik, which I'm not confirming or denying, I'm just a racer. Who's ever heard of a racer and a wrestler?" She gives me a look and I roll my eyes.

"Fine you win, I like him just keep it to yourself." I tell her and she nods.

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