Chapter Thirty-Three: Welcome To The Family

Start from the beginning

"I didn't know you liked caramel." (Y/n) commented. 

Kate looked at him and shrugged her shoulders as her jaw undulated, humming monotonously as he scoured for one of his liking. Once he found one he liked, (Y/n) stuck the chocolate in his mouth and chewed slowly as he enjoyed the taste before he and Kate laid down on the blanket. The young couple then began to cloud gaze. 

The two looked at the sky and explained the things they saw; ranging from simple creatures to quite obscure fantasies. Kate subconsciously reached her hand over to (Y/n)'s while the other pointed up at the sky in the direction of the cloud they were looking at. Meanwhile, their families played around for the next half hour until there was a brief hiatus in their sporting activities. 

"What are you two lovebirds doing?" A voice sang out. 

"Cloud gazing. Wanna join us?" (Y/n) answered matter-of-factly. 

"We're just having a little rest," replied Lynn. "Hey, (Y/n). You wanna play some basketball?"

"Yeah, alright. Let's see what you got, kiddo."

The ten year-old girl gleamed at him as she ran off to pick up a basketball and anxiously paced around whilst dribbling the rubber ball. (Y/n) made his way over and joined her where he helped her with her shooting as well as playing defensively and offensively. With that being said, he made sure to purposefully lose most of the time but scored a few to teach her how she could have done better and improved.

She found him to be a very good teacher for somebody who barely played any basketball. Kate enjoyed watching her fiancé and her little sister bond, which quickly drew the attention of the others when they chose to have a short interval. It then came to (Y/n) to test how well they could throw the ball. Being weaker than he, Lynn had a harder time trying to match (Y/n)'s distance.

He was well out of the half-court while she was barely a third of the way out. They were both having much fun as they played for quite some time until they chose to take a quick drink before jumping back onto the court when company was made. A girl with brown and blue hair approached (Y/n) and Lynn with a big smile on her face when he suddenly three himself at her and hugged her.

"MAX!! What're you doing here?! Hey, Kate! Look who decided to drop by!" (Y/n) squealed excitedly. 

He let the smaller girl go and gleamed the biggest smile he could muster at her when his fiancé joined them. The two girls greeted each other, followed by an exchange of hugs and kisses on the cheek.

"It is such a surprise to see you here, Max. What are you doing here?" Kate spoke cheerily, much to Max's delight in seeing her smile. 

"Oh, I was just passing by when I spotted (Y/n) playing basketball with... your sister Lynn, is it?" 

Lynn smiled brightly and waved at the older girl. "Hi! I'm Lynn. It's so nice to finally meet you. I heard so much a bout you from my sister. She says that you were a big help in getting her and (Y/n) together and that she's very grateful."

"Lynn!" Kate muttered coyly as a blush crept up on her face.

"What? It's true! Remember, you said you never had the courage to talk to (Y/n) after a while because you thought he was just--"

The younger girl was cut short by her sister slapping her hand over her mouth, preventing her from rambling any further.

"Th-That's enough, Lynn! Thank you. Did you want to stay for some morning tea, Max? You're more than welcome to stay."

"Oh, really? Are you sure? I don't mean to be a bother..."

"C'mon, Max. We insist. Besides, we got something to discuss with you." (Y/n) practically begged.

Max rolled her eyes and finally agreed, to which she followed her friends over to their picnic spot and was welcomed by (Y/n)'s and Kate's parents. It was mostly (Y/n) and Kate who conversed with Max as by alluding to the ring foreign on Kate's left hand made Max suspicious until the young couple confirmed that it was certainly an engagement ring. 

Shortly after Kate gave away that she and (Y/n) were engaged, (Y/n) joined Lynn in playing basketball. (Y/n) went back to the general distance out of the court and estimated the power he was to put into throwing the ball. And then he threw it, missing it by so much. By a miscalculated throw, (Y/n) ended up throwing the ball way over the board, causing it to roll out of the park's boundary onto the road.

"I got it!" Lynn yelled and ran after the ball.

"Be careful!" (Y/n) warned.

Lynn disregarded what he said as she was completely focused on the ball rolling away from her until it settled in the middle of the road. Her unsettlement was put at ease once she'd retrieved the ball and turned around to get off the road when she saw (Y/n) about to run into her with his arms out and ready to tackle her. 

Then, everything went black. 

Multiple screams rang out from the park as people scrambled over to where (Y/n) and Lynn laid on the floor, now several metres apart from the ball Lynn was so keen to get her hands on. While members of both families wailed over the tragic event  that occurred right before their very eyes, Max stood by in complete shock, mortified to have seen such a tragedy after witnessing many more in her life. 

She then remembered that she had the power to undo the tragic event that just took place. But then it made her recall what happened when she last tampered with reality. Could Max risk it one more time? Could Max face the guilt of summoning a storm onto Arcadia Bay again? She felt so conflicted that it tampered with her ability to think clearly and process what others were beckoning from her. 

Victor had become physically violent towards the driver who'd run over the two youngsters while John and Victoria attempted to separate (Y/n)'s father from the driver whose lack of focus most likely resulted in the loss of one person in the incident. Max watched on as Kate ran to (Y/n)'s and Lynn's side and checked their condition while Linda called for emergency services. 

By the grace of God, there was a revival. 

It came as brief relief when Kate and her family discovered Lynn alive after being run over by a car, but the same could not be said for (Y/n). When Kate realised that (Y/n) had not woken up, she became the same depressed wreck she was in every reality Max saw her in: both at the same stage of depression when her viral video surfaced on the internet and then to the previous reality where she attempted suicide. Max could only hope it wouldn't happen again. 

But she had to try. 




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