Chapter 28

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After Baek finishes getting stitched up he has the guards drive us to an uncharted plane and have flown for hours and. Now we are in a warehouse and I have no idea what is going on here

"So what is the plan exactly why are we here and where are we?" I ask

"We Aki have invaded the enemies territory and going to show them who rules" he says

"How do you plan to do that?" I ask...

"We are going to take something important to them they love family what if we take what's rightfully ours" he says

"But what's ours is Japan why are we here?" I say

"You don't get it my boy they stole you and my daughters love created a child" he says

"But I don't want a child neither do you that's why we sent sayo away" I say

"Yes you are right but it would hurt the odins force them to surrender and we can kill them and take over and we have rightful children to take over in the future thus one is just a means to an end" he says

"What children I never had kids well except the one with sayo" I say

"Well remember when your last girlfriend you dated got pregnant and told us" he says..

"Yes and we paid her to get an abortion because she wasn't fit for me neither did I want kids" I say

"Well yes but before she got it I made her have an ultrasound and you wouldn't believe it she was pregnant with twin boys we couldn't pass up that opportunity my boy so I let her have them and when they're older we can raise them to be great leaders" he says

"She had the children and you didn't think to tell me" I say

"For what my boy they're not with us  and I made sure they're well taken care of they are our future well at least one of them" he says

"But I had no idea about this you made this Decision yourself without even thinking of the
More important factors other then the fact that they are boys" I say

"What else matters?" he ask

"Uh their health, who is the mom is she safe of protecting them does she have issues, is she just gonna take the money you are offering and dump the boys around" I say

"Aki they arent you and I got this under control and look I saved you from that foster house and malnutrition life you were in loook at you now so stop feeling and let's go put this plan in action okay" he says

"Yeah look at me mmhm" I say feeling defeated

"Well now get out of this funk we have a take over to do!" he says

"How are you going to do this?" I ask

"Well I have a new guard on our team and he's used to this kind of job and he knows the Odin meet Yang Chi" Aki says

"Well I have a new guard on our team and he's used to this kind of job and he knows the Odin meet Yang Chi" Aki says

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"Hello Aki" he says walking in with a stoic face

"Um hello so how do you plan on doing this" I say

"Easy you all stay surrounded outside create a distraction while I grab the child and disappear before anyone notices simple" he says

"So you trust him to do this over guards we have had for years" I say

"Yes since he knows most about the odins and he's the reason we are in the states Aki yes now don't question me I'm Don so strap up boys we have a baby to steal and a mafia family to conquer" he says

On the other side

We finally land back home and no matter how we told Ling Mae to stay home and rest she refused

"What are we going to do?" Emiko ask

"We know pieces of Baek plan so we need to let him continue with it" Ling Mae says

"Let's just go to safe house and wait" Finn says

"You want to wait when it comes to yout family" Emiko says

"When it comes to my family I trust them and they know what to do" Finn says

Back at home

Hero rushes home and unlocks the door and Leila runs towards him

"You're back baby are you okay?" Leila says hugging

Yes Mon Coeur I'm good a small bullet graze wasn't going to take me down I say while kissing her stomach

"Where's Finn and Elise?" Lilo ask

"They just landed and are at the location" I say

"Where's mom and dad?" I ask

"Your mom and mine took the twins out our dads are here" Leila say

Samantha then appears and looks worried

"Hey Hero Is parker and everyone safe and good?" she ask

"Yeah did élise send you that message Sam" I ask

"Yes she did" she says

All of sudden we hear commotion outside and we know it's time

"Is everyone strapped and ready?" I say and two people walk out

"For the family we always are let's go fuck these bitches up" Luciano and Declan say

"For the family we always are let's go fuck these bitches up" Luciano and Declan say

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"Can always call on you two" hero says

"Family is the word cousin no question about it now this for Tommy" Luciano says

We all open the door and walk out to meet the house surrounded by Baek and Aki men

Samantha POV

I rush inside the room and grab Tommy and start heading out

"I don't think so Missy hand over the baby or I will shoot your brains out right on this floor and we don't want that do we princess" he taunts me

At the moment Tommy starts crying and I get angry

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