Chapter 15

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We walk down the stairs and I pull out some drinks for the boys and we sit down on the sofa

"So how was Japan" Parker asked

"Honestly annoying as fuck but I mean gotta do what you have to i" say

"Yeah.. Well at least you're back now for a little while are you excited about your wedding hero" he says

"Yeah can't wait to officially call Leila my wife seems like we've been together for so long so making it official is just the next step and I'm not only happy I'm excited" .  hero says

"I'm happy for you Hero actually both of you having family is important" Parker says

"You know parker you have family" i tell him

"what do you mean?" he ask

"were your family, you're apart of it and i think some one would love to be your family to actually way more then that" i say

"yeah man we see the way Sam looks at you and actually the way you look at her there's love there between the both of you" Hero says

"guys its not that simple and while i appreciate you guys allowing me to be apart of your family after what happened i don't want to hurt Sam and that's why even though i love her i cant do that to her" Parker says sighing

"You just said it you love her Parker and when you love someone it scary trust me love shook up my world but what you can get after embracing it its special and you'll never want to be without it" i tell him

"guys im in therapy to just get over what has happened to me in the past and i dont want to put her through that i dont even know if i could be a good boyfriend, let alone a husband or more" He says

"Parker you are an amazing person and you prove that the whole time with all the bad that happened to you and you witnessed you never meant to hurt anyone you didn't become like them and you helped my wife and Sam get out of that situation you were even willing to die for it and let alone you're great around children" i tell him

"I know I'm not like my family was but I'm not sure I could be a good partner or parent if we would have kids in the future I don't even know how to be with a woman" he says embarrassed

"What do you mean and you're great with my kids so there is no way you'd be bad at being a father in the future heck I didn't think I'd be a good dad but when your kids arrive everything changes" I say

"I've never been intimate with a women I would be learning now and I don't want burden Samantha with that" he says

"Samantha loves you and clearly you can see that I'm sure she'll love being with you period" Hero says

"Now let's get up there and you ask her out no more thinking or doubts" I say

"Ughh fine gosh I'm nervous" he says

"That shows how much you want to be with her because I'm sure just thinking of her being with someone else would drive you insane" I say

"No one is good enough for her and no one better think about it ill hurt them" he says

"There's your answer now let's go Parker" I say

And we all walk upstairs and into the kitchen and only élise and her sisters  and Sam are in there

"Hey where are the kids and parents?" I ask

"They're playing outside with the boys" élise says

Then I make a face and everyone disappears into the hallways leaving Parker and Sam alone

Parker mini POV

I'm nervous as hell not knowing if I can do this.... What if she rejects me or doesn't feel what I feel I clear my throat and take a deep breath and dive straight into it

"Hey Sam how are you?" I say

"I'm good parker you know just up to the usual" she says and smiles

This girl really has no idea how beautiful she is how much she's helped me in the little time we've known each other

"Parker? You okay you zoned out" she whispers

"Uh no.... I was wondering something" I say to her

"Oh alright what's on your mind?" she ask and sits down to give me her full attention

"Sam I know I come with alot of issues and I'm complicated but I really need to ask you will you go on a date with me so we can begin dating" ... I blurt out

"Parker you aren't a burden or anything but great I would love both to go on a date with and to start dating" she smiles

"Really? I... I'm in shock are you sure I mean I'll try my best to be better but im happy" I say to her

"Parker you're great for me and the fact that you want to get better after everything you've been through shows how great you are I'd happy to be in a relationship with you" she says

I get up and hug her and then everyone comes back into the room and starts clapping

"Well is that what you were up too  Mr. Odin" élise ask me

"Well what can I say I'm pretty good at match making as you can see" I say and wink at her

"Mhmm you being helpful and sentimental gets me in a certain mood" she says

"Well and what mood is that my queen can I help you with" I smirk and kiss her neck

"Why yes there is you can help me with the finishing touches for your son's birthday party" she says laughing

"Ughh not what I was thinking but yes let's go" I say following her out of the room

"Ughh not what I was thinking but yes let's go" I say following her out of the room

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