chapter 24 // haven

Start from the beginning

To the right, stood steps to a bathroom, like mine. Except, the shower was a large glass box that was completely visible from the door. It had a rainfall shower head and had a ledge for sitting. It was pitch black with a few hints of grey in the tile. To the left, was a large king bed that was atop multiple pallets. It gave a cozy vibe to the darkened room.

He had floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the entire city but no balcony like mine. I was moved away from taking in his room as he walked towards the bed. He pulled back the sheets before placing me underneath them. I strained against the cool sheets, sending me into a shiver.

I rolled over onto my side to glance up at Con standing next to the bed, looking down at me. His arms were now crossed and his eyes had a new look to them. They looked calm and content for once, almost sunken.

"Can you stay?" I asked, almost quiet enough where I couldn't be heard.

I was nervous to ask him, I hadn't made any connection with Con yet. I knew he had many secrets that he was hiding from me and I wanted to break him out of the shell. He seemed sheltered like he feared the world around him, I wanted to break down that fear. I just didn't know how.

"Is that what you want?" He questioned, his voice remaining deep and low.

I nodded in response, flicking out the other side's sheets so he could crawl in. I watched as his hands went to his jeans, unbuckling them before pulling them down. His grey boxers came straight into the view of my eyes along with his dick print pressing up against them.

He motioned towards the bed as I light up with excitement inside. He still had kept his mask on, I didn't know how he could do it. It must really be a comfort for him, just like my weapons. I felt the bed heave down as he climbed in, laying on his back. I brought my arm up to my face, allowing me to lean against it. Con brought one hand to lay on his stomach while the other went behind his head. I sighed, feeling the weight creeping back up to my chest.

"I saw my mom today, she's been dead for years. I think I died and came back. I got to hold her against me, I never wanted to leave Con. I hate myself for leaving, leaving her behind again." I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

He turned his head to face me, his eyes meeting mine as he now looked sad. His arm moved from his stomach to around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. I met the heat of him, snuggling deeper into him.

"I have been begging for death since I was little, since she was taken away from me. I didn't want to live without her, she was the only one I had" I said.

He began moving his hand over the top of my arm, trailing it with his finger. I knew this meant he was listening and he wanted me to continue letting it out.

"Im just confused. She told me that, these people are art and my love is more than valuable when given to the correct art. I don't even know what that means and that's all I have from her" I whispered, letting the soft tears soak my shirt.

"After all these years, I see her, and I get some bullshit saying that I can't even interpret. Im an awful person" I cried.

Con changed his position to now face me, turning onto his side. He unlatched his finger from my shoulder and instead wiped away the tears from my cheek. We stared at each other for a few moments, soaking in the moment.

"Maybe it's meant to come later, you don't have to always know everything, it could be guidance that you hold onto," He replied, his tone now soft.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I replied, not moving away from his stare.

"I don't hate you, the exact opposite actually. I just don't want another innocent person to be dragged into this world. You are too pure for us, we would destroy that"

"Im already destroyed" I said.

"I can see that now. Just like me, spitfire, just like me."

I gazed up at him for a few more moments before he pulled his head back for a moment. I felt him pull out of my grasp, now leaning up in the bed. He sighed as I matched his position. I sat on my knees, inches away from him, facing towards his side.

"I want to be different Haven, I just don't know how, I can't let my young self go" He said.

"Tell me what happened" I said, rubbing his back now.

"My father beat my mother and eventually it moved onto me. It wasn't just normal beatings, they were cruel games that I could never win. It was unfair and I never had any power." He said.

I kept my lips sealed together as he continued through his story.

"It all ended the day it went too far. He set me on fire and let it burn for a few moments before something came over him. It was like his old self finally broke free out of a box." He said, putting his head into his hands.

"He killed himself, right in front of me, leaving me down in the basement for days until the cops found me. I was thrown in the system for years, I couldn't find my place. I had so much anger at the world," he continued, "I resorted to killing abusive fathers but I wasn't skilled at it. I couldn't beat the awful feeling of why it felt so good inside of me. I thought I was crazy."

I stared into the side of his mask, watching his breaths get slower as he edged the end of the story.

"I was going to turn myself in but Sin found me. My feelings changed again but I'm so fucked up from all of it, I can't ever be who I want to be. There's too many thoughts that just never shut up," he said, pulling his head out of his hands.

He turned his neck and face to look towards me, still rubbing on his back.

"There's so much I want to do that my thoughts don't allow me to do, my brain works against my emotions every damn day." He exclaimed.

"Let me help you" I said, cupping my hand into his. He curled his fingers into mine as he let out a sigh.

"I don't think I can be helped Haven, this is just me."

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