43 ❥ new year and new beginnings

Start from the beginning

"How about you Ax?" Iris asks.

God, could these girls be any more obvious?

Axton quickly looks over at Ryan who looks like she's about to strangle this Iris chick.

"I'm seeing someone." He says.

"Well...she isn't here so..." Iris smirks before placing her hand on his abs.

"Is she fucking serious?!" I gasp and I look over to Madison who is literally eating a bucket of popcorn.

This bitch-

"Want some?" She offers.

Fuck it.

I walk over to her before grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"Turn around," Ryan says, which causes all of us to look over at her.

"Uh oh," Asher mumbles as he also grabs a handful of popcorn.

After being around Ryan for the past week, we have all noticed that she has a bit of a...temper.

So...good luck Iris.

"Who the fuck are you?" Iris asks as she keeps her hand on Axton.

Axton's dumbass is just standing there like an idiot.

"I'm the girl he's seeing, who the fuck are you?" Ryan smirks as she makes her way next to Axton and shoves Iris' hand off of his chest.

"Awww how...cute," Iris says as she gives Ryan a dirty look.

I quickly make my way over to Axton and punch him in the arm.

"Do something! Before Ryan beats her ass!" I whisper-yell.

"Ow! Okay!" He groans.

"It's great seeing you but as you can see, I'm with someone." He says as he wraps his arm around Ryan's waist.

Iris lets out a scoff before she and Emma finally leave the kitchen.

"Fucking bitches." Arya mutters as she and Ryan take another shot.

"It's getting way too fucking hot in here." I sigh.

"Wanna go outside?" Asher asks.

"Yeah, sure," I say before he grabs my hand and has me follow him outside.

We manage to make our way outside and decide to walk down to the beach.

"How long do we have left till New Year?" I ask as I take a seat on the sand.

"15 minutes." He replies.

"So...what was the highlight of your year?" He asks.

"When I got the scholarship," I replied.

"And you?" I ask.

"Nothing. This year fucking sucked." He laughs.

Well...he's not wrong.

"Come on! There's got to be something."

"I- I guess meeting you." He says while his eyes stay glued to the water in front of us.

I feel my heart begin to grow and my cheeks begin to heat up.

"What was one of the worst things?" He quickly changes the subject.

"My back got reinjured a few months ago and I couldn't dance for a while. I was scared that I would never be able to dance again." I explain.

We both stay quiet but then I let out a small gasp when I feel his finger trail the large scar on my back.

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