
The day Kristen was supposed to pick Ava up from Jesy's place, she decided to have a special night with Ava. They watched the kid's favourite movie, ate the girl's favourite food and read the girl's favourite book. She wanted to make the girl forget she was going away and it happened. Ava was happy for the night 

At night, Jesy could barely sleep. She decided to let Ava sleep in her room, wanting to spend as much time as possible with the toddler. She woke up earlier than ever, not wanting to waste any of the time she had with the little brunette. 

As she watched the kid sleep, she couldn't help the tears that fell down her face. Being able to count the amount of time she had left with the girl was a different kind of pain she had never felt before. 

"Good morning baby" she said softly as the little girl opened her eyes looking at the woman beside her "How did you sleep?" she asked 

"Good" the three year old said with a light smile, smile that disappeard as soon as she remembered what was going to happen today. Suddenly a few tears started to run down the girl's face "I want to stay" she stated trying to convince Jesy to let her stay 

"But you are going to have a family now" the woman said trying to make this exciting for the child "A mom and a dad, a brother and even a cat and a dog" she said not knowing if she was trying to convince the girl of herself 

The girl let out a defeated sigh as she rolled in bed starting to get up followed by the brunette 

The morning went by faster that Jesy expected, why couldn't time just slow down? Suddenly when she checked the clock it was almost time to Kristen arrival. Fifteen minutes to be exact, fifteen minutes was the time the woman had left with the little girl 

Just in time, they heard the doorbell ring. 

"Hi Jesy" the social worker said smiling "It's nice to see you again" she said as she hugged the brunette "Hi Ava" she greeted as well surprised by how sad the girl looked. She thought the girl would be sad at first but cheer up when she realized she was getting adopted... well that was not the case 

"Hi Kristen" the brunette said forcing a smile out 

"Ready to go Ava?" the woman said earning a little nod as the kid started walking towards Jesy to say good bye 

"Bye-bye" the girl whispered as the singer kneeled down to her level. Ava quickly gave Jesy a hug closing her eyes tightly trying to keep her tears in "Love you" she whispered making the woman have to contain an involuntary sob that wanted to come out 

"I love you too sweet girl" she whispered 

As Jesy was about to let go of the girl, she felt Ava tightening her grip. She didn't want to go, she wanted to stay here, she needed to stay her 

"I want to stay" she said now fully crying "I'll be good" she begged "P'ease let me stay" she said trying to convince the brunette. Jesy didn't had the strength in her to respond 

"It's time to go" Kristen said with tears in her own eyes 

"NO" the three year old screamed. This was her home and she was willing to do everything to stay here. Kristen seeing that the girl had no intentions of letting go of the woman, stepped in grabbing the kid, trying to loosen her grip "NO, LET ME STAY" she screamed as cried louder. Once the social worker was able to make the kid let go of the woman, she had to deal with a kicking toddler "P'EAS" she shouted 

"Ava it's okay, It's going to be okay" the brunette said hating to see the little girl in that state

"I'm going to go now" Kristen announced as best as she could through the kid's cries and the dog's barks  

"MOMMY" Ava screamed from the top of her lungs making Kristen stop in her tracks. Ava had never been close enough to anyone "MOMMY P'EASE" there was again "DON'T LET HER TA'E ME" she shouted "MOMMY" she tried one more time reaching her arms towards the brunette

Jesy was now a complete mess, of course she wanted to go and take her baby from the social worker's arms and comfort her, tell she was there and she wasn't going to let her take her away but she couldn't. It was much more complicated than that 

As hard as it was to do the next thing, Kristen shook her head and continued walking. She really does hope this new family works because if not she might be separating the kid from her safe place and from what she feels like her family 

As soon as the social worker was out of the house, the place fell silent. Again that feeling of emptiness took over but this time it was not a feeling, the house was empty. Ava was that missing piece and now it was gone 

Jesy couldn't take it anymore and she broke. She cried as loud as she could as she pressed her back to the door and slowly slipped down until she was sitting on the ground 

Still crying, she picked up the phone and called the only person she needed right now 

"Hello?" a woman said on the other side of the line "Jesy are you all right?" she asked when the only thing she could hear was breathing 

"Pes" Jesy was able to crock out as she tried to keep her tears in "Please come"

"I'm on my way babe"  


¿Home? (Little Mix/ Jesy Nelson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora