she walked up to me and gave me a hug "Thanks Dad for letting me be me if I get to hard to handle just tell me and give me this shot." She said still hugging me and handing me this needle damn it is huge.

"Oh okay well this is Piney." I said to her.

Marty's P.O.V.

So out of all the people that has had to look after me, I like my Dad the most he doesn't even know what is wrong with me and he still doesn't care if that ain't love I have no idea what is. I have only known him for what 20 mins now and he is so cool he is in a MC which is the one call Sons of Anarchy and when he told me that I knew that I would fit in here the best then anyone else.

"Marty this is club prez Jax Teller." His face healed pain and other things I just cannot put my finger, it is like he is sad damn some one must have died.

"Sorry for your loss and no my Dad did not tell me I can tell by the way you look, I'm Marty Lowman Happy's only kid and oh I have to tell you this I have Bi Polar and ADHD and I hate my meds." he was in shock like he didn't know what to say the same look Dad said when I told Piney.

"Well I hope you like it here and can we all just call you Messy because we all have nic names here and i am sure that will suit you, I also know that you will fit in with all these fuck ups around here. Also thanks my wife passed away." Jax said then sat down on the other side of the table.

"I love it Jax thank you I have never had a nic name before." I said back to him he just smiled and had a smoke talking about smoking I wonder if my Dad has any weed.

"Hey Dad you got any weed." He just looked at me like I was crazy same with Jax.

"What it helps better with the ADHD better then my meds." I said then both nod Dad walks inside then comes out with a blunt and like 3 other dudes I wonder who they are .

"So this is Killah's kid." The one with the thick Scottish accent.

"The one and mother fucken only the name is Marty but Jax just said you guys should call me Messy." I said to them.

"Why should we call you Messy you look pretty clean to me." I fat one said.

"Because I have Bi Polar and ADHD." All 3 guys then nodded their heads failing getting what I meant.

"Well I am Juice." The brown colored one said.

"I'm Bobby." The fat one said.

"Aye and I am Chibs the Scottish one said.

I light up the blunt and let the smoke go into my system and making me clam down for like the first time today.

"You should tell us a story?" My Dad asked with a smile I know what one to tell now.

"Okay I was maybe 16 at the time I don't really know all I know was that I was going to some shit hole high school."


My mother had just woken me up to go to school and by then everyone at school knew I was all types of crazy I would bet picked on and shit I would never do anything to anyone because I was on some strong shit like damn I could barely think for myself it sucked balls.

Well this one morning I didn't take them so I knew I could speck up for myself and not just walk away the only bad thing was how the hell could I get away with it knowing Sammy was always on my back about taking those evil shits.

This was before she started checking my mouth to make sure that was talking them it was the life, Well I put them in my mouth and make that noise the walked into the bathroom and spat them in the toilet and you should know what happened after that.

I was at school and I was wearing my white V-Neck with these short shorts and black timberland's well at my school wearing something like that was bad I still have no idea why I think it was an all white school and i was like the only Brown girl going there but still.

I was walking down the halls and the students also the teachers started talking shit they just kept going and going I Have no idea how I could put up with this even on my meds.

It happened when I was sitting in art class and I had drawn the back of this girl and all the tattoos that I would ever want on her, I liked it, It was the best one i had ever drawn. Well the teacher walked up and said it was good then under her breath her heard her say 'For a crazy girl.' I was so fucken pissed of in the one second that all I saw is red and yelled.


I grabbed this kids painting and smashed it over my teachers head I did that will all of the paintings in my class because I have had it with that dumb ass school well after that I got the knives that we use for clay and though them all everyone also beat the shit out of some kids and Art was the only class I ever liked.


"HOLY SHIT YOU REALLY ARE MY KID." Dad said all the boys were laughing and having a good time then another Harley pulls up and when I saw him, I didn't think I would ever see him again.

Tig's P.O.V.

I pulled up to the club house and seen all the boys laughing while sitting on the out said table. I jump off and walk over and that's where I see her my Love that I thought I would never see ever again we just locked eyes not being able to look away I think all the others got what was going down.

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