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NARRATOR (AFLREDA): My name is Alfreda cresodel, I'd tell you the story of my family, we are known to some persons as evil and to other's as cool, my family goes a long way back, about 2000 years ago as the story serves, a man named adams my ancestor his was blessed by the Gods for his strength and his loyalty to his people. They blessed him with powers that will be passed through his generation to the most worthy in his bloodline, for the past 2000 years the powers was passed to everyone apart from a girl Anthonia in the 12th century, they referred to her as the curse of the family, Anthony was casted out from the village were they lived as she will infect others and made her remove her name as cresodel. Throughout the generation powers has been passed like; invisibility, weather control, thunder, elements control, communication with dead, super strength and other's. The only way for the powers to be passed is if only the two family bloodline marry from each other, the cresodel family and crescent family, over the years this two family married each other, till an exception in 21st century, when my dad from the cresodel family married a French woman who had no special gift, my dad's family casted him out as he is a prodigal son and would be the end of their family, my dad's power was puppeteer, the ability to control someone and influence their descion with his mind.

On June 6th 2004, a baby girl was born into the cresodel family which is me, my dad's family came after my birth to know if I'd gain their special power which I didn't, it was always said as a child is born the cries of a child is known as the child performing his/her power, but I didn't. My dad's family casted me out and called me an abomination to nature and I don't deserve the cresodel name.

18 years later, five days to my birthday, I was preparing for school and I had this sharp headache and I almost did miss my exam, my dad said I should stay home, I refused and still went to school, I wrote all my exams and came back home very sick, I was sick for four days,  my dad finally confirmed I wasn't a cresodel after all, for over centuries no one in my family has ever fallen sick.

On June 6th, my birthday I suddenly felt so good, I met my parents and told them, they were shocked and I told my dad I still wanted to celebrate, my dad agreed and preparation started and I sent mails to all my friends and my dad's family without my dad's consent

The birthday started at 8pm in the night all my friends arrived and I was so excited, it was about time to cut the cake them my dad's family arrived, my dad was angry that they came and I told to calm down, I invited them over, as I was about to blow out the candles on the cake I blew out fire from my mouth and everyone in the party was so scared. My dad's mom froze time for the humans and my dad's dad wiped their memory clean, my dad was shocked as hell, the full family was happy I had my power which was identical to my dad's brother, Philip my dad's brother asked me to redo what I did, I tried but it didn't work rather I mimicked my dad's sister power the elements of water, my dad's family taught I was special which made me happy, but I couldn't redo what I did, my grandmother from my dad's side told us a story of  our ancestor who has been forgotten, her name was omega, she was known as the Red hair lady, her general power was mind control and with that she could mimick anyone's power. My grandmother said to all of us I was a different kind of curse in the family, I too had a long wave curl red hair, with a bright blue eyes like my ancestor omega,my grandmother explained my powers in details, she said those with red hair dies at the early age of 40 because our lives ain't of our own, it all starts with blindness and there comes the knock of death on my door, she said my power turns me evil overtime and my rage will be the end of me. My mom was so much in shock she told everyone to leave her house, I was so scared I ran to my room and cried my spine out, My dad always told me that the cresodel family never grows old we stop ageing at 30 and we die at 70. He always said the more we use our powers our death will come earlier not lower than 65.

This is how my story starts............

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