Our Fated Destiny - Part 8

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Principal –And you you danny [ the boy who was trying to harm ], You are rusticated from school for your behavior...

danny walked out giving glare to abhay, to which got a last punch from abhay, and I again had to pull him.. before anything can happen further . He is definitely a boy, who should not be messed up with...I learnt that..

we were standing in principal office with my friends, and avni in my arms, abhay stood next to me, as if nothing happened with his bleeding hands, which had deep cut..but who cares, not abhay for sure, but I was feeling pain seeing his bleeding hands, I was continuously seeing his hands, he was very well aware about it, which he show off that he wasn't

Anokhi's Attire 

After 2 mins door suddenly flung open , only to see a sweating and panting Anokhi , her eyes meet mine for nano second, but then she looked around only to see, who she wanted to see, her eyes almost had tears, she ran to Abhay...

Anokhi - abhay what's this baby? ur hand is bleeding , can't u take of urself..she yelled at him in motherly tone...

Abhay -i'm fine mom..he said, as he hugged her, the most needed at the time, I knew his turmoil, which is not only because of fight but also seeing his dad, whom he hates more for his deeds..Anokhi hugged him back, her eyes roamed only to be stopped at us, I mean me and Avni, who was in my arms.. avni gave a smile to her..Anokhi just smiled back at her, giving a blank to me..our eye to talk was disturbed by principal, who gave first aid kid to her..she cleaned Abhay's hands, blowing air, whenever he hissed in pain, but still she had tears, she was mother after all.

Principal – "Anokhi your sons temper god only knows where did he get it from " to which both me and abhay got irritated

Abhay – " Not Again please "

Anokhi gave disbelief look to abhay and me off course she had answer, it was from me...and Abhay gave same look like when someone scolds me about my anger...

Principal –"Anokhi , here is the report of ur both kids."

She took them..and asked

Anokhi – "how he end up like this in a fight ?"

Principal "-same as before..he got in a fight with Danny , danny was actually trying to harm avni."

Anokhi – "Oh ok "

Wait a second, why she is not scolding him yeah I know he was not wrong.. but still, if I would have been in his place She would've made my life hell,by yelling at me,infront of whole college screwing my image, but no she shouldn't did same with our son urgg very bad Anokhi .

Principal – "Anokhi , abhay as selected for workshop in India, I mean in Mumbai, but he is just avoiding it. I don't know, why he is losing such a opportunity" 

Anokhi gave a look to him, and Abhay looked everywhere expect us.. we both knew answer..and it's me...

Na- "so, what did you decided Mr."She asked him,turning towards him...who was just avoiding both of us..

Abhay – " I don't know Mom..."He said looking at me, I so wanted him to take up this workshop, but he was stopping because of me..avni wanted an yes from abhay, after all she also wanted to go to India, just like her brother

His gaze turned from me to avni...and at last Anokhi , who was waiting for his answer. he smiled slightly gave a nod to Anokhi

Abhay – "we are going to India"..he announced his decision made everyone happy and I was on cloud nine.

Anokhi –"fine then" She signed the papers, gave them back to principal

Principal – " Abhay you haven't written your father's name "

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