Our Fated Destiny - Part 6

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Shaurya's POV

I was about to ask Avni , who were her parent , what was her mother's name , especially her mom's because i felt she was mine and Anokhi's daughter ..i had that feeling ..so i wanted to clarify it but before i could ask her ....2 people came near us...

It was the principal and my friend Ian. They approached me and the principal passed a smile to me. I smiled back at him.

"Hello Mr. Sabharwal..." he extended his hand for a shake which I accepted.

"Hello Mr. Watson..." I greeted him back.

"Good Morning Sir..." the voice came from beside me and I was pleased to see Avni greeting her principal with her pretty smile. That smile caused me to feel something deep. It felt as if I had seen similar type of smile before on a person's face who is very close to me. But I couldn't figure out at that moment who that person was. 

Nevertheless, I returned my attention back to Avni whose head was being caressed by her principal in response to her greeting.

"Mr. Sabharwal..."

"Meet her... She is our school's shining star... A studious girl and an aspiring pianist"

I was surprised to listen to Mr. Watson. That little girl, was at the age of 10 and was a pianist. It took me aback but I felt glad too at the same time, the reason I didn't know.

"Wow !... That's great Avni..." I complimented her to which she replied "Thank You"

I smiled at her and before any other words could get exchanged between us, I felt Ian nudging me with his elbow. I turned my head sideways to see what he was up to.

"Hey Shaurya !..."

"Your concert time is approaching... You forgot I guess..." Ian said.

"Oh my god !..." realization dawned upon me.

I had completely forgotten about the concert matter. I casted a glance at my watch and saw it was half past nine. I recalled my concert was scheduled at ten which meant I needed to go to backstage now to check into the orchestra, and rehearse one last time.

"Excuse me Mr. Watson..."

"I have to go backstage now... See you soon..."

"Yeah of course..." he replied.

"Very much looking forward to see you sing..." he added to which I smiled.

"Bye Avni dear..." I waved my hand at her and she too did the same and she looked so adorable. I just couldn't understand why I was continuously feeling a sense of solace seeing her. Her sparkling eyes, her cute button nose, her small affectionate smile, all these features were making me feel as if I had encountered a person with similar characteristics before, but not wanting to mess up my mind, I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind to be thought later.

Right now, I needed to go backstage. So, bidding my goodbyes to them, I left with Ian to go there.



You're the light, you're the night

You're the colour of my blood

You're the cure, you're the pain

You're the only thing I wanna touch

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