I smiled at all of them. "Nice to meet you all." I stated, looking back at Will and Henry. 

"They shouldn't be much trouble, but if they are just tell me." William said with his arms crossed. He seemed to be in an irritated mood. But I mean when is he in a good mood?

"They don't look like much trouble, especially Evan." I said looking at the toddler who just stood behind his sister.

"He's quite shy, but he'll eventually warm up. Okay kids, go play." William said to his kids. They all smiled at him and left to the arcade before the place opened up.

"They seem like good kids," I smiled and crossed my arms. Even though I was never the biggest fan of kids, I felt like maybe they could be acceptable.

William seemed to smile at that. "Eh, sometimes. Trust me at home they can be demons from hell." William chuckled to himself.

Henry hit him on the shoulder, playfully. "Don't call your kids demons. They are far from that." Henry defended Will's kids.

I just laughed to myself. "I'm gonna have to agree with Afton. Sometimes kids can be spawns from hell. It really depends." I shrugged. William still held that smirk on his face and Henry just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Just all get in your spots. We're about to open." Henry said and walked off to his office. William waved bye to me and left. I just stuck my tongue out at him and went over to the wall of the main area. I leaned against the wall and crossed my arm waiting for people to come. I saw Ry go over to the front door and turn on the open sign. She then walked over to me and leaned against the wall.

"So, Mr. Afton's kids are here, ay?" She asked, starting up a conversation.

"Yea, they may be the only kids that I'll ever get along with." I laughed a bit.

Ry laughed as well. "Don't worry, his kids aren't that much trouble. But if you compare them to Henry's, you may say they are troublemakers." Ry joked around.

I remember Henry talking about how he was going to be a father a month before I moved. I'm pretty sure they were twins. "Aren't they twins?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yup, Charlie and Sammy. They're only five but they the absolute cutest." Ry said with a soft smile and soft eyes.

I laughed. "I never got to see them but they sound nice. Especially when their Henry's." I looked down at my feet with a smile.

"Oh, trust me they are. Sometimes Mr. Emily brings them here, but not much." Ry explained. Right when she said that, the first family of the day walked in. "God dammit," Ry muttered under her breath. "Well, I'll see you on lunch break." She smiled, walking over to the family.

I smiled to her and waved. I sighed and decided to go to the arcade area since the younger Afton's were there. I left the main area and walked over to arcade. There was Michael trying to win a game and Elizabeth was with Evan at the prize counter. 

"Hey (Y/N)," Michael greeted, walking over to me with a smile.

I smiled at the younger boy. "Hey Mike, what cha up to?" I asked him.

He looked at me with his icy blue eyes. "Nothin much. It's always boring when we come to work with dad." Mike groaned.

I laughed. "Yea, I mean he is kinda boring so ya know." I crossed my arms.

"He never lets us do anything. The only time we go out is for family stuff or occasionally go out with friends." Mike complained.

I continued to laugh at the kid. "So, how old are you and your siblings?" I asked him leaning against an arcade machine.

"I'm 10, the oldest and the greatest. Lizzy is 6 and Evan is 3." Mike smiled.

I chuckled at Mike's first sentence. "Yes, being the oldest is pretty nice." I shrugged.

Mike looked at me in surprise. "You're the oldest too?" He asked, pointing at me.

I nodded. "Yup, I'm 24 and my brother is 14. Maybe you and him could get along." I smiled thinking that maybe Max could get along with Michael.

"Your old," he stated.

I put a hand on my chest acting hurt. "I'm heartbroken," I stated sarcastically. We both shared a laugh. "I bet I'm younger than your father." I said.

"Yea, only by a bit though. He's 28," Mike mumbled.

I shook my head. "I honestly don't know who would be with your father." I sighed. How sick is this man's wife have children with him? Bet he was a weird ass top in bed. I blushed a bit at the thought. I shook the dirty thought out of my head and looked at Michael.

He shrugged. "I don't know either. Don't know what my mother saw in the old man." Mike laughed. I laughed along with him.

"Don't you have a job to do instead of making fun of me, (Y/N)?" We stopped laughing as we heard the deep British accent from behind us.

I turned around to see Afton. "Yes, I do. I just thoug-" before I could finish talking Afton shut me up.

"Then go do it." He growled. I nodded and left Mike with his creepy ass father. Mike looked at me with pleading eyes but I just looked back at him with a sorry look.

I went back in my place and saw that there was two families who had arrived. I sighed and continued to lean against the wall with my hands in my pocket.

'God, this is gonna be a long shift.' I thought sighing once again.

«time skipppp»

I had just gotten finished with my lunch break and was in the arcade area working on a stupid vending machine. I will admit, lunch was better with the Afton kids. Sure Afton was still being a smart dick, but the kids were very easy to get along with. They were probably the only kids I got along with, aside from my brother. I especially got along with Mike, which we both made fun of his father aka the weird ass brit. I also learned that the kids mom wasn't in there life a lot. Yes, she still lived with them but not for long Afton had said. He says he was getting a divorce with her soon which I could care less about. The guy would probably never find another girl in his life but I could care less.

"(Y/N)," I heard a British voice say.

I looked up while bumping my head on the damn machine. "The fuck do you want?" I asked, annoyed while rubbing my head.

"No need to get pissy, love. Now, I want to ask you something." Afton stated, looking down at me. 'Tall ass' I thought rolling my eyes.

I got up and stood in front of him. "Don't got all day dumbass. You have to go have your crumpets and tea." I joked.

Afton looked at me with a pissed look. "Anyways, I wanted to ask if you want to come to my house for dinner tonight. The kids will be there and so will Henry. And my soon to be ex-wife." He sighed at the last part.

"Tough decision here. Because some of my favorite people will be there but then I may see your ugly face." I said with a grin on my face.

Afton didn't look pleased and crossed his arms. "Just answer the damn question, (Y/N)." he gritted his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Fine, fine I'll go. But only for the kids and Henry." I pointed my finger at him.

He smirked. "Alright dear. I'll drive you there don't worry." Before I could protest, Afton was already on his way back to his office. I huffed and rolled my eyes. I looked down and got back to working on the arcade machine.

Dinner at the Afton's with his soon to be ex-wife huh? Well then let's see how this goes.


I wrote some of this when I couldn't sleep so ignore any errors 😀

Anyways thanks for reading!!! Love y'all <3

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