"Okay, coast is clear." Owen's voice spoke up softly.

Jocelyn let out a deep breath and lifted the lid of her crate, revealing the faint blue lighting from the interior of the jet. She sat up and looked around, seeing multiple other crates around the jet all filled with one of Mr. Stark's valuables. A few crates over, Anna climbed out of hers and glanced around in awe.

Anna walked towards another crate, opening it up and inspecting what is inside it while Owen climbed out of his crate and stretched out. Jocelyn hopped out of her crate and looked around seeing a silver version of Captain America's shield in another crate, an Ultron robot head, and model of one of Iron Man's suits standing in a cylinder. She was in pure disbelief and admiration of the items that surrounded her.

"The weapon should be on the next floor." Owen stated glancing around for the stairwell.

Jocelyn's head whipped to Owen in shock. "There is another floor?" She asked in awe.

Owen chuckled looking over at Jocelyn. "Stark is a billionaire. I wouldn't doubt if there is a sauna on here too." He joked.

Anna mumbled something under her breath about Tony being too rich while picking up a glowing purple orb. She examined it but set it down when becoming uninterested in it.

Owen began walking through the jet and towards the stairwell at the head of the plane. Jocelyn followed closely behind him and Anna followed behind her, stopping casually to inspect random items. In the corner of her eye, Jocelyn saw Anna shove a few items in her small pocket when deemed valuable enough.

The trio headed up the stairwell and onto the second floor of the jet. Jocelyn's mouth hung open when seeing the items around her. Unlike the first floor, this floor was filled with weapons and dangerous objects. She gulped nervously, unsure why Mr. Stark would want these many weapons.

"There it is." Owen mumbled.

Jocelyn looked ahead to see a familiar blue gun sitting in a crate with the lid off. Anna brushed past Jocelyn, walking ahead with Owen to inspect it. The gun was larger than a normal one and needed a stand to be used. It was the gun that appeared in every one of Jocelyn's nightmares.

Owen and Anna stared down at the gun with a grin on their face. Jocelyn approached it cautiously because the last time she saw it, she almost died. She stood on the other side of Owen, looking down at it.

"Great." Jocelyn sighed in relief. "Now we can get out of here."

"I don't think so." A new voice male spoke up.

Jocelyn, Owen, and Anna all looked up to see a boy walk out from behind a crate on the other side of the gun. He had messy short brown hair and dark green eyes. He looked the same age as Jocelyn and was grinning smugly, with his hands were tucked in his coat pocket appearing harmless. Though the glare he sent Owen was a different story.

Owen and Anna glared harshly at the boy in front of them and Jocelyn narrowed her eyes on the boy confused on who he was.

"I thought you died, Lucas." Owen spat out annoyed.

Jocelyn's eyes widened in realization.

"I told you that there are four of us overall." Anna sighed sitting up in her seat, crossing her leg over the other on the table. "The fourth's name is Lucas and he has the ability to control the earth. He was gifted his powers a year before you were." Owen noticed Anna's voice trailing off and decided to cut in.

"Anna and I had immediately introduced ourselves to him. Wanting to teach him what we know and train him. But Lucas had eventually learned about Carlos Hernández and agreed with his ways, over ours." Owen dropped his gaze to his clasped hands. "Lucas almost killed Anna and I assuming he would be gifted our powers when we die, because that is what Carlos told him." Owen grumbled.

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